Page 37 of Saving Kate

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“None of that is your concern, I don’t answer to you.”

“It’s my body, you can’t touch me!”

The doctor turns towards his briefcase and pulls out a vial that’s all too similar to the one Mary-Mae and Stephen instructed us to hold on to.

Fuck composing myself or staying out of it. I don’t even wait to see what happens next. I rush down the hall and break down the locked door with Eli hot on my heels. Somehow, in the thirty seconds it took to get down the hall, the doctor has a grip on Kate's wrist and she’s pulling away from him as her eyes lock on the syringe.

“Don’t touch me!” She screams at him.

I grab her, breaking the doctor's hold on her and push her behind me towards Eli. I don’t miss her flinch out of his grasp as I stare down the piece of shit doctor.

“Mister West,” he says with a sigh. “I’m only doing my job.”

“By shoving a needle in someone’s arm?” I hiss.

“Many patients with her disorder don’t understand the severity of it and object to medication. Once she is used to it, it will be much easier to deal with her.”

“Fuck you!” Kate snaps.

“Shut up,” I warn her and she glares at me. “You aren’t giving her some month long medication while I’m the one stuck here watching her,” I argue with the doctor using the first excuse I can think of.

“I understand your concern. Which is why I’m simply administering her own anxiety medication to calm her down enough to take her new medications.”

“Bullshit! Don’t touch me!” Kate hisses.

“Either you let me do my job or I’ll have to call the hospital to readmit her. Medication management is part of her outpatient treatment plan.”

“I'm not on any medications!”

“You are now,” the doctor says and hands a paper to me.

A list of medications I don’t recognize along with an ending clause that Kate be readmitted to Valley Hill if she does not oblige has her father’s signature as her medical proxy at the bottom. I crunch up the paper in my hand, feeling my heart throb.

“She gets the lowest dose. And I’ll handle her medications after you leave,” I say through gritted teeth.

“Dude—” Eli says but he’s cut off by the sound of a lamp being launched across the room.

“Fuck you! Don’t touch me!” She screeches.

Eli looks like he wants to punch me.

I’ll let him later.

But until I figure out the paper trail needed to fix this shit show her father has created, this is the only way to keep her out of that hospital. And I don’t doubt if she gets readmitted, he will find a way to keep her there.

Then who knows when I’d ever fucking see her again.

Kate glances to the door as the doctor fills the syringe in his hand but I’m faster than her. I grip her upper arm, cutting her escape short and her hand flies out to smack my face. My face stings but I decide to tell her later how impressed I am. I pull her back to my chest as I lock her arms behind her. Her legs give out as she screams at me, all the while, anger fills her eyes. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much anger and fear without someone crying. But there’s no tears, nothing but hatred and fire.

“You promised!” She finally hisses at me as I keep her seated in place on the floor in my grasp. “I hate you!”

The doctor comes closer and she bucks against me, her head hitting my chin. I groan but keep my curses to myself. I can feel Eli’s accusing eyes on me but focus only on the fury in Kate's green eyes as they lock on me.

“Please,” she finally says, barely above a whisper.

The doctor takes the opportunity to shove the needle in her exposed hip.

My grip on Kate tightens out of anger as she screams curses. The second the needle is withdrawn, I glance at Eli and he grabs up the doctor's briefcase. “Leave the medication instructions and get out,” he tells him as he shoves the briefcase into his arms.
