Page 49 of Saving Kate

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“Why’d you punch your resource in the face?”

“Because he’s a piece of shit.”

I can’t stop the laugh that falls from my mouth and Ax smirks at me.

“Well, so is music,” I finally say with a shrug. “Night.”


The next few days pass slowly. Asher had meant it when he said the guys had seemingly been on vacation. For the most part, I hardly see any of them around the house. I text Bianca but between her internship with some fashion designer and Scott, she’s been busy, too. Friday night I find all the guys around a pizza box playing video games and Asher flashes a smile up at me. “Hey gorgeous, wanna play?”

I laugh and shake my head. “I don’t know how.”

“So, just gonna stand there staring at us all night?” Ax asks, without taking his eyes off of the screen.

“Yo! No fair! I was distracted!” Asher yells once he looks back at the screen.

The game seems to end with one side of the screen showing the winner and the other side the loser. By the looks on their faces, I’m guessing Asher lost and Ax won. Eli grabs the controller from Asher and I realize I’m still standing there watching them like a creep.

“Uh, I was actually wondering about that bar you work at, Ash?”

Eli snickers. “Ash,” he mocks the nickname but Asher just grins.

“You can give me any nickname you want, baby doll.”

“Focus, jerk,” I chuckle.

“He hardly works at the bar. He just owns it,” Ax answers for him as he starts a new game.

“Are you hiring at all?” I grin innocently and Ax eyes me angrily.

“No,” Ax answers and Asher shoves his shoulder.

Asher is about to argue but something in Ax’s face must warn him not to because he just frowns and shrugs at me in defeat.


I cross my arms, trying to resist the urge to stomp my foot.

“What about you Eli? Do you work?”

Eli smirks at me as he glances at Ax. “I own a security company.”

“Are you…” I start but Ax cuts me off.


“Seriously? Go blow a cactus. I wasn’t talking to you.”

Asher and Eli snicker as Eli continues with the game.

“You don’t need a job. Didn’t you just get released back to society?” Ax mutters.

I grab a throw pillow and chuck it at his head.

“Watch it!” He yells, trying to block his face without messing up his game.

“I want a job,” I whine and don’t even care how ridiculous I sound.
