Page 50 of Saving Kate

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“Why?” Ax asks and doesn’t even look at me as his eyes stay locked on his game.

“Uh? Money? Independence? Friends?”

Ax snorts. “Find another way.”

“Another way to make money other than a job? Are you suggesting I go stand on the corner?”

“Abso-fucking-lutely not,” Ax barks and my face reddens.

“Panhandling. I meant panhandling.”

Eli laughs loudly and Asher just shakes his head at me.

“Gonna give us a heart attack. I was picturing you standing on the corner in nothing but a pair of heels— ow! Fuck, bro!” Asher yells as Ax punches his arm.

The game ends with Ax losing this time and he angrily glares at me as though I’m the reason for it.

Oh well.

“I’ll get your dad to give you a card. And don’t you have friends? Call Bianca or something if you’re bored.”

I eye him suspiciously. “What do you have on my dad that makes you think he will listen to you?”

When he doesn’t respond I just roll my eyes.

“Never mind, probably better I don’t know so I don’t have to testify in court.”

Eli slides over as I slump into the couch next to him and smiles at me. “Why the frown, green eyes?”

“I’m going stir crazy,” I admit.

“And what? Need us to entertain you?” He grins.

I laugh loudly and shake my head at him. “I feel like that means something very different to me than it does for you.”

“I’ll take that bet,” Asher laughs.

“Seriously,” Ax groans. “Go find something to do. There’s literally an entire house of stuff. You’ll survive.”

“Someone’s grumpy,” I snap.

Eli smirks. “Very grumpy. He lost a bet.”

I raise an eyebrow and glance at Ax whose eyes are shooting daggers at him.

“Oh yeah? What was the bet?”

“That he’d man up and handle something in a timely manner and he hasn’t,” Asher answers glaring at the back of Ax’s head.

“Fuck you,” Ax snaps at Asher.

“So, what’d you lose?” I ask and by the strange glances they weren’t expecting me to ask.

Oh well, I’m nosey. And maybe the slightest bit entertained at Ax losing something. He doesn’t strike me as a guy that is used to losing and by his poor mood it is safe to assume he is a sore loser.

“You don’t wanna know what he was supposed to handle?” Asher asks and Ax clenches his fists beside him.

“Not really,” I laugh. “I just wanna know what he lost because his mood is worse than usual.”
