Page 51 of Saving Kate

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Asher laughs and Ax glares at me. I look at Eli waiting for someone to answer and Eli just grins.

“His first edition Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic.”

Ax throws a pillow at Eli, who just catches it with a loud laugh.

“I’m guessing you are the new owner from that smile on your face?” I laugh and Eli nods. “Well, make a new bet. Give him a chance to get it back, mister cocky.”

Eli glares at me and I catch Ax grinning. “Works for me.”

“Fine,” Eli says. “But the bet stays the same. Man up.”

It grows quiet and tense and now I’m kicking myself for not being more concerned about whatever is going on.

“You guys are so weird,” I say awkwardly, as I go to stand.

“Fine,” Asher says. “Let’s hear your input if you are so superior. If you had to tell someone something, would you come right out and do it or beat around the bush?”

“Ugh, did you cheat on your girlfriend or something. That’s fucked. Definitely tell her.”

Ax meets my eye but his face is unreadable. “Didn’t cheat, no. It’s complicated.”

I twist my lips as I try to process the vague information and give a legitimate answer. “Well, it must be bad then. I mean you can punch your friend without second guessing, but obviously this is taking every bit of your one singular brain cell to figure out. ”

“Resource, not friend,” he smirks.

I roll my eyes. “Same thing. Sounds like the longer you wait the worse it’ll be.”

“And if it destroys the person?”

That catches me off guard but Eli and Asher are both staring at me intently waiting for me to answer, too. “Is it hurting them not knowing?”

“At the moment? No,” Ax answers. “But it’s going to eventually come out and then everything’s fucked.”

No one says anything.

“Well I mean, who benefits from telling them right away?”

“What do you mean?” Eli asks, confused.

“I mean, like, are you withholding it because you truly are worried about ruining them or are you just being a pussy?”

Ax smirks and Asher snorts. “Princess said pussy.”

I roll my eyes at Asher as I try to hold back my laughter.

“Sounds like she’s also agreeing that my way is the right way,” Ax grins and eyes Eli. “Which means I get my comic back.”

Eli glares at him. “She didn’t say yours was the right way. She just thinks your bullshit reasons are genuine.”

“Oh, I doubt they are genuine,” I chuckle, finally standing. “Ax is probably just a pussy,” I grin as Asher laughs again. “But I also don’t vote for ruining people. Especially if that’s some code word for killing someone,” I add quickly. “I didn’t just talk you into killing anyone right?”

“Is that really what you think we do?” Ax asks, surprised. “Bet comics over whether or not to kill someone in a timely manner?”

Words fail me and I just shrug. Eli laughs loudly and shakes his head at me. “You’re one of a kind, Kate.”

I grin at what I hope is a compliment but it falls when my phone starts ringing.

