Page 61 of Saving Kate

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“Just can’t help yourself can you?” Eli says as he pulls the door open.

Asher stands in the doorway, shaking his head at me.

“If it bothers you two so much, then get out.”

They both sigh but don’t move from where they are standing. The urge to know what other secrets are surrounding Katelyn Elizabeth overtakes any guilt I have as I flip the sound on.



“For four fucking years?” Bianca shouts as she eyes me.


“I mean… I kind of assumed maybe you went somewhere after I found you that day,” she hesitates. “But how come you were there for so long?”

I groan. “I don’t even know, honestly. They kept finding different reasons, saying I wasn’t ready. I swear though, I think it was my father.”

“He just said keep her and that was that?”

“Yes and no. I’d have a doctor one day talking about discharge and the next, a new doctor would completely change my meds or find a reason to send me to the isolation rooms.”

“Which is great for your claustrophobia by the sounds of it.”

“It was terrible. I’d have a panic attack even at the thought of it, and then because I was having a meltdown they’d stack on more days and new medications.”

“Why would he do that to you?! I’ll kill him, I swear. I’m not even sorry either. My dad can get me off I’m sure.”

I laugh at her as she smirks. “Thank you but it’s not worth it. I just don’t get why. He had all my rights signed away, had control over all my medical stuff and wouldn’t even let me take college classes while I was there. I mean, I know I had a hard time after my mom died but…“

“No, absolutely not. Don’t you go looking for excuses for him. He wasn’t the one there, Kate. You listened to your mom get murdered from a locked closet and almost died when the fucker burned the place down.”

“Ugh, memory overload,” I groan as I sit up quickly.

“Sorry,” she whispers and rubs my back. “I’m just so mad for you.”

Oh boy.

I eye her and she must read it on my face.

“That’s not even the worst of it, is it?”

I try to force a smile but the tears burn my eyes. Fuck crying. I hate crying.

“Babe,” she says nervously and grips my hand. “What happened?”

“My dad became obsessed with this doctor I had because he just… kept me on medications so strong that I could hardly leave my bed. It took a while for my tolerance to build up for the medication to not knock me out completely, you know? And when that happened… I woke up and he… he was…”

I start sobbing and Bianca’s face falls. “Kate…”

I wave her off. “Let me finish or I just won’t get it out.”

I take a shaky breath and she waits patiently for me to continue.

“I told on him, obviously. I told my dad and the other staff. At first they seemed to believe me but… I don’t know what happened. It just changed so fast. They just kept saying it was in my head, they’d drug me more, and I’d keep waking up to him ontop of me. I tried everything, I even used a nightstand and chair to try and throw it at him,” I chuckle. “That just got me sent to isolation though.”

“You’re out now, though. We will go to the cops and—”
