Page 72 of Saving Kate

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“All of it. I… I don’t even remember whose house we were at. Or where we were going. I remember a park and then… she was telling me to hurry up.”

“Kate it’s fine, don’t try to piece it together now,” Eli says, and I can feel his hand on me but it feels like he’s so far away.

“I just remember her yelling, over and over, yelling at someone.”

“What was she yelling, Katie?” I hear Ax ask, and I glance up from the floor tiles to see his eyes in front of me.

“Katie… she kept yelling ‘Katie. Don’t do this to Katie. Katie is right there. You can’t do this to Katie.’”

I’m hyperventilating and just continue repeating myself as her words play on repeat in my mind.

“—do something before she passes out!” I hear someone yell.

Lips are on mine and it shocks my system out of my flashback.

“What the fuck!” I yell standing up.

“Dude—” Eli says as I shove Ax away from me.

Ax is so close that I know it’s his lips that were just on mine.

“Just getting you to focus, princess,” he says but his words are flat and his face unreadable.

“Uncalled for—” Eli starts but Asher interrupts him by throwing a punch at Ax.

Ax looks pissed but just wipes his freshly cut lip. “I deserved that.”

“You deserve a hell of a lot more than that,” Asher growls.

“Enough! I don’t know what the fuck is happening but—” I yell but I’m cut off by a new voice.

“But you can worry about it tomorrow!”

I jump as I turn and find Edgar in the doorway. For a kind old man I’ve never seen him so angry. His body is practically shaking as he stares at all of us.

“I warned you before she even got here—” Edgar starts.

“Watch it,” Ax warns him.

“Fire me all you want. But right now, you boys need to leave her be.”

No one moves and Edgar just looks at me. “There is warm tea in your bedroom, Katelyn. You need to rest.”

“Fuck that. I want to know what is going on!”

“Katelyn,” Edgar says softly and tears brim my eyes. “You need to rest.”

“But why would they think… and why don’t I remember — did I do something?!”

“No,” I hear Ax say firmly. “You didn’t do anything, Katie.”

I glance at Edgar and he nods his head. If not for how drained I feel, I’d refuse to leave. But thinking of my mom and that day… I'm overcome with emotions. I refuse to cry in front of all of them. Instead. I hurry to my room to cry silently into my pillow until I fall asleep.



“You piece of shit!” Eli yells and I manage to duck from his punch.
