Page 71 of Saving Kate

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“I’m done with being fucked with. I want to hear you say it, now,” he hisses in my ear.

I fight to get out of his grasp, the adrenaline no longer able to fight off my panic attack as he grabs me and brings up the day my mother died. It’s all too much.

“Tell me what happened, Katie,” he yells louder.

“Why? Do you get off hearing about people getting murdered?” I growl as I still fight against his grasp.

“Yup. Exactly. Whose plan was it?”

“Plan? What are you talking about?”

“Ax, that’s enough,” Eli warns and when I finally meet Ax’s eyes he lets me go.

I rub my wrists and groan from the red marks.

“When’s the last time you heard your mom call you ‘Katie’? That’s what you said, isn’t it? You hate that name because of the last time she said it. Does it make you feel guilty?” Ax continues. “You are such the performer, pretending to care about all those women—”

“Ax!” Asher shouts. “Shut the fuck up, for once.”

“Get the roid rage under control you fucking dick,” I snap, heading toward the exit again but Eli holds an arm out to stop me. “What the fuck?! What do you guys want?!”

“Kate,” Asher sighs and I turn to him. “Did you help anyone kill your mom?”

I feel like I might throw up. Who makes a joke like that? I glance at all of them waiting for them to say something but no one does.

“Are you serious right now?”

“Just tell us what happened—” Asher starts but I shake my head.

“Why do you even care?”


“Exactly. You didn’t know my mom, and you obviously don’t know me, if you’d even ask me something like that.”

“That burn on your back—” Eli starts, and I look at him horrified.

“Because I was locked in the closet when someone burned the place down!”

“I know,” Eli says, trying to calm me down. “I know. But how did you get in that closet?”

“My mom shoved me in there and told me to be quiet.”

“Why?” Ax asks.

I open my mouth but my eyebrows pinch as I realize the memory is scattered.

“Forgot the story he told you to tell?” Ax snaps.

“He?” I shake my head. “What — no… why? We were going somewhere… she said we had to pack…”

“Hey, hey, that’s enough. It’s fine,” Eli says as I feel the room swaying and my breaths come in short gasps.

“No… it’s not fine. Why… why didn’t I realize it wasn’t all there?”

“What’s not all there?” He asks as he leads me towards the table.

I don’t bother arguing with him. My head is swimming. The anger about their accusations is completely gone.
