Page 76 of Saving Kate

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I can practically feel his angry eyes burning through the back of my skull.

“I figured there had been changes when I was called. Your father wasn’t happy with my initial treatment plan after we met and he had informed me you’d be seeking a second opinion. But the changes to proxy? How…” she starts but Ax cuts her off.

“The signed paperwork is in front of you. If you want to contest or argue with it, that’s fine with me. I plan for Katelyn to have all her rights returned to herself before we would even see a court date.”

I’m surprised by his comment and eye him nervously before turning back to Doctor Wilson.

“All the same,” she hesitates. “I don’t think it’s necessary that you stay during the actual appointment.”

“I believe it is very necessary, actually. Katelyn’s entire previous medical history you’ve been told and the last four years you were filled in on were all stories forced down her throat by her father. It’s about time she actually gets treatment that's in her best interest instead of his. I’m only here to be sure she finally speaks up for herself to get real help.”

Doctor Wilson looks confused and nervous as she eyes me. “It sounds like maybe we should start over?”

I chew my nail as I nod my head, my mind racing over Ax’s words.

“You tell me where you want to start.”

“I wasn’t overseas for school the last four years,” I admit and she sits silently letting me finish. “I was inpatient at a mental health facility.”

Her brows furrow as she pulls out a notepad. “The entire four years?” I nod. “What hospital was this?”

“Valley Hill, in Pinegrove.”

She frowns but scribbles on her notepad.

“Are you affiliated with them?” Ax asks and I can already hear the threat in his voice, warning her that she better not be.

She shakes her head. “I’ve actually not heard of them. I’ll have to look into them. But let’s go back a moment, you were there for four years? What brought you there?”

I fidget uncomfortably, suddenly wishing Ax wasn’t here.

“I was hurting myself. And I had tried to kill myself a few times.”

“A few times?”

I nod.

“Did those feelings continue while you were at Valley Hill? Is that why your stay was long term?”

“I… I don’t know why I was there so long. I have—” I hesitate. “I have ideas.”

“Her father,” Ax says simply. “I’ll be looking into Valley Hill as well.”

Doctor Wilson nods to him, probably realizing it is best not to argue or question Ax, then glances back to me.

“While holding you there, it looks like they had you on some strong medications. Did they help with some of the depression? I know we talked about PTSD the last time I was here.”

“They didn’t help,” I snap as my hands clench into fists. “They made it worse.”

“Explain that for me.”

“They kept changing my medications, they wouldn’t even tell me what they were. I’d go days without sleep and then sleep for the next few days. I couldn’t eat. If I had a flashback or got upset about anything, they’d lock me in isolation and I’d—”


“This… this room. There was nothing in it. It was just an all white room. No bed or carpet or windows. They said it was to keep me safe but then I’d be in there for a day or two I think at a time. I’d beg them to let me out because it just made my claustrophobia worse but no one would listen.”

Doctor Wilson reaches out to grasp my hand and I flinch away from her.
