Page 92 of Saving Kate

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My face heats up. “My bad,” I chuckle.

“Good dreams?” He murmurs and my stomach twists as I realize whatever I dreamt about left the space in between my legs throbbing.

“Maybe,” I tease.

I don’t miss his tongue brush along his lip and I feel my body heat up. His face tilts down and he hesitates only a moment, allowing me the chance to stop him, before he kisses me.

I don’t stop him.

His lips brush mine for a moment before he grips my hair in his fist and crushes me to his body. I roll on top of him, straddling him, never breaking the kiss.

His hands rest along the skin of my back where my shirt rides up and his tongue enters my mouth sending a tingling sensation throughout my body.

“As much as I want to continue this,” he sighs between kisses. “I have to get up. My sister will be here soon.”

I whimper in protest, making him laugh.

“Don’t worry baby, we’ll finish this later.”

He kisses me once more before climbing out of bed. My gaze finds the hard bulge before he can adjust himself and he grins as he leans down again to lay a kiss on my lips.

“You’re killing me. Don’t look at me like that.”

I smile up at him innocently before laughing and grabbing a towel and heading into my bathroom. I shower, trying to calm down my suddenly active libido, and change into a pair of shorts and tank top. I follow the voices until I find Asher and his sister in the kitchen and she smiles when she spots me.

“Katie, right? From the shelter?”

“Kate,” I remind her and she nods at me.

Standing next to Asher, their resemblance is uncanny. The same blue eyes, the same nose and the same dirty blonde hair. “It’s great to see you again. I actually wanted to let you know that Regina, the woman with the baby that you helped, was approved for a transitional home. They’ve been staying there since last Tuesday.”

“Oh that’s amazing! I’m so glad.”

“I’m helping her get a job at a hotel outside of town. It’s just cleaning rooms but they pay well and it’ll work around her baby’s daycare.”

“I hope things continue to look up for her. What about the other woman? I don’t remember her name. Older? Had a black eye.”

Jayla frowns and glances at Asher who tenses.

“She uh,” Jayla sighs and ruffles her hand through her hair. “She’s in the hospital actually.”

“Who is?” Ax asks as he and Eli come in from the gym.

I keep my eyes averted, still overwhelmed from Asher’s kisses earlier, and seeing the two of them in nothing but gym shorts covered in sweat is sparking my body to life.

“Irene,” Asher says through gritted teeth.

Jayla eyes them. “That’s partly why I’m here. I didn’t know if maybe you guys could send someone to the hospital to sit with her.”

By sit, I think she means something else. Ax nods and pulls out his phone. “I’ll send Red over.”

“I’ll call Johnny, too,” Eli says, pulling out his own phone.

He surprises me by kissing my cheek as he passes by and my face flushes. Jayla and Asher smirk at me silently but I don’t miss Ax’s glare.

“That was actually only one of the reasons I came over,” she grins and turns on Ax.

He groans. “What?”
