Page 94 of Saving Kate

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“Sounds like it was long overdue then. He will be back in about a week.”

I grit my teeth, knowing there’s more, but don’t bother pushing it. He does deserve a vacation, that’s for sure.

“Have you, uh, heard anything from my dad?”


I eye him, unsure if he’s lying, but he makes no further comment as he closes his door and heads down the stairs.

“We have business meetings all night. Keep the doors locked and call me if you have any problems,” he calls from the front door.

“Sure thing,” I murmur to myself.


By dinner time I’m bored out of my mind. Bianca is MIA and I’m realizing how much I need to expand my social circle. I find myself back in the music room, running my fingers over the piano keys with longing. It takes all my will power to leave the room, leaving the cello untouched. I’m humming melodies to myself when I get to the kitchen and I’m caught off guard by the knocking at the door.

Security has already gone home and as far as I know only the guys have the access code for the front gates. There’s continued banging and I try to stay quiet as I walk towards the peep hole. An older guy, pushing 40, with a faded t-shirt sporting a viper tattoo on his neck stands there continuing to bang.

“C—can I help you?” I yell through the door. “Mister West isn’t available right now. You’ll have to come back later!” I add, hoping I sound professional like a housekeeper.

“I’m his brother. I’ll come in and wait until he’s available.”

My brows furrow. How did I never know Ax had a brother? I shoot a text to Ax, letting him know his brother is coming inside to wait on him, and pull the door open. I immediately regret it as his eyes look me up and down shamelessly.

“Um, feel free to wait in here,” I say motioning to the living room. “He should be back soon.”

The man snorts. “You must be new,” he chuckles. “How’s about offering me a drink or something?”

I grit my teeth and nod as I force a smile. “Right, sorry.”

“Don’t look like any of the other housekeepers my brother has. He usually keeps his staff old and dried up. You though? Woo, you’re a pretty little thing.”

My skin crawls as I try to smile at the disgusting compliment. I find him a beer and hand it to him as he makes himself comfortable at the kitchen island. “What’s he got for food?”

Guess I’m keeping the caring host act up. I heat up some lasagna and he barely breathes as he inhales it.

“So, give it up. Who are you? My brother doesn’t do girlfriends.”

“I'm just a roommate,” I say awkwardly.

The guy chuckles and looks me up and down again. “Roommate. Sure. More like a live in fuck. I gotta get me one of those.”

My phone dings and I realize I have missed notifications.

“He ain’t gonna be too happy you let me in. Hope you like it rough,” he says with a mouthful of food and blows me a kiss.

Ax: Don’t let him in

Ax: Katelyn are you getting these?

Ax: God damn it, you don’t listen for shit

Ax: Almost there

I glare at my phone and I hear his brother chuckle. “Told you. May be hot but you got shit for brains, don’t you? Not as dumb as my shit head brother who used the same four digit code on his gate that he used to use on the padlock for his bicycle as a kid,” he snorts.

I don’t even have time to snap back at him as the door opens.
