Page 95 of Saving Kate

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“The fuck are you doing here, Roy?”

“Nice to see you too, baby brother.”

“I’m not giving you money. Get the fuck out.”

“Your bitch here was very accommodating,” he says, holding up the empty beer. “Much nicer than you,” he laughs. “More fun to look at too,” he says, as his eyes linger on my legs.

I regret wearing shorts today.

“Get the fuck out,” Ax says, grabbing the back of Roy’s shirt and practically lifting him off the chair.

Roy just laughs. “Fine, fine, but how about a turn at the whore. It’s lonely out on the streets, brother. They don’t make them like that.”

“Sounds like a personal problem,” Ax hisses, as both Asher and Eli protectively step toward me.

Roy eyes them and then Ax and starts laughing. “Oh, you are shitting me. You all share her don’t you? Don’t even lie, look at them. Pussy whipped already. Come on, what’s some pussy between brothers?”

“Not my whore to lend out, brother,” Ax spits as he drags Roy out of the kitchen. “Stop worrying so much about their skank and tell me why the fuck you are here.”

“I’ve got a message,” he chuckles. “Dad’s out. How’s about a family reunion?”

“Yeah, I’ll be sure to put it on my planner,” Ax grunts as he shoves the door open and pushes Roy out of the house.

The door slams closed and Ax stands there for a minute before banging his fist against it as he yells, “Fuck!”

I jump at the outburst but stay frozen in place. That’s all I did the entire time his brother was here.

Completely shut down.

“Change the gate passcodes,” Ax snaps.

“Already doing it,” Eli lets him know.

Ax turns his angry gaze on me and Asher steps in front of him. “She didn’t know—”

“Do you know who you just let in this fucking house!” Ax shouts pushing Asher aside.

He towers over me, pushing Eli off of him when he tries to grab his arm.

“He said he was your brother, I just thought—”

“No! You didn’t fucking think!” He growls in my face.

I feel tears burn my eyes as I grit my teeth.

“You just open the door to strange fucking men you don’t know? Are you looking to get raped again, you stupid—”

My hand flies out to smack his face before he even finishes his insult. He breathes heavily as he stares down at me.

“Fuck you,” I hiss as I rush past him.

I refuse to let him know he got to me. I blink away the tears, ignoring the arguing and shouting as I get to my room. I slam the door, locking it behind me, and scream into a pillow.

I don’t know what hurts more. All the insinuations that I’m a whore being shared, or the truth of Ax’s words at how stupid I was to open that door.


Always so stupid.
