Page 17 of Safe & Sound

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When they finally pulled apart, Drake looked up at him as if dazed, which was how Ajax felt. Then his mate’s knee came up. Ajax had just enough time to move his leg into the line of fire before he was kneed in the balls.

“You’re a jerk,” Drake snarled before he unlocked the door and walked out.

* * * *

What in the hell just happened? Drake had no idea as he slipped into his car and drove away. One moment he was barely dealing with Brody’s bullshit, and the next, he’d sensed a change in Ajax’s mood.

Fuck. Why was he surrounded by people who kept trying to play him for a fool? And the one time he’d finally come out of his shell had to be with Ajax? Really? All his life, Drake had been a pushover. He’d allowed people to walk right over him. Even his best friends, at times, had been insensitive to him.

He'd even let Brody worm his way into staying with him, even though Drake had known it was a bad idea. Now getting rid of his cousin almost seemed impossible. Brody was going to keep coming up with excuses to stay, and instead of putting his foot down, Drake had told Brody that they’d talk later.

There was nothing to talk about. It was the same old song and dance. In a week Brody would lose his job, cry to Drake about it, and expect sympathy and for Drake to pay his way.

Then there was Ajax.

Drake couldn’t handle this. He pulled in front of Wild Tiger and got out. He needed to talk to Elijah about this. After all, it was his friend’s big-ass mouth that screwed things up. Drake would have been happy to be blissfully ignorant of what Ajax was if it hadn’t been for Elijah.

He spotted his friend inside. Clearly Elijah had walked across town. Or Mason had picked him up at some point. Drake didn’t care. His life was careening out of control, and he needed some answers.

“You,” Drake said when he walked in, glaring right at Elijah.

“Me?” Elijah looked around, as if Drake had been talking to someone else in the restaurant. There were other people there, sitting and eating, but Elijah knew damn well Drake was talking to him.

“Outside, right now,” Drake demanded. This was a conversation he didn’t want anyone to overhear.

Mason came from around the counter, walking right to Drake. “What’s going on?”

“This is between me and Elijah,” Drake said.

“The hell it is,” Mason said with a slight snarl, reminding Drake that the guy wasn’t human. “You don’t walk in here all aggressive and demand Elijah meet you outside.”

Drake rolled his eyes. “I’m not going to fight him. We need to talk.”

Mason crossed his beefy arms. “About?”

“About Elijah talking too damn much.” Drake crossed his arms, too. He wasn’t backing down from this. Something inside of him had woken up, and while he was feeling confrontational, he was going to give Elijah a piece of his mind.

And then he was going home and demanding that Brody get out.

“That statement isn’t convincing me that Elijah is coming outside with you,” Mason said.

“Then both of you can join me,” Drake said. “If you don’t, I know how to motivate you.” Drake made the sound of a cat. “Get my drift?”

Whoa. Even Drake was impressed with himself. He’d never been this fiery before, and he kind of liked it. He liked that he wasn’t merely “suggesting” they meet him outside. He was demanding their presence, and damn if that didn’t make him feel empowered.

Especially when Mason and Elijah followed him.

“What’s this about?” Mason asked as soon as they were in the parking lot.

“I just got into a huge argument with Ajax.”

“That was fast,” Elijah said. “I leave you alone for an hour and you two fight? Where’s Kenji?”

“Who’s Kenji?” Mason asked.

“I already told you about him,” Elijah said to Mason then turned to Drake. “What happened, hon?”

Swear to god this was going to ruin Drake’s sleep for a good week. All he’d thought about since last night was Ajax. Those broad shoulders, those muscles and the way they flexed and moved, making him wonder if they’d do the same while the guy fucked him into oblivion. Ajax’s smell, so masculine and hypnotic…
