Page 21 of Safe & Sound

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Nope, he totally wasn’t running away. Not in the least. Not even when his heart and gut told him to turn his butt around, act like an adult, and talk things out with Ajax.

He still couldn't believe he’d tried to nail Ajax’s balls. That was the most embarrassing shit he’d ever done. The guy probably didn’t even want to see him right now.

Who would blame him?

Drake turned onto Tido’s street and saw a red sedan pulling from the driveway. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

Tido was on the porch, looking at the sedan, unaware that Drake was heading right for him. When he pulled into the driveway, Tido looked wide-eyed at him.

Drake got out and slammed his car door. “Are you fucking serious, Tido? Tell me that wasn’t Alan.”

“That wasn’t Alan,” Tido said, though his face had turned a bright red. “What’re you doing here? Were we supposed to hang out and I forgot?”

Drake might not stick up for himself most of the time, but when it came to Tido, he was overprotective. Tido was slight, a little naïve, and let guys use him. Drake had always seen his best friend as innocent, though he knew Tido wasn’t and he wasn’t sure why he saw his friend that way. He just did.

“Why the hell was Alan here?” Drake asked. “Tell me his mom didn’t die and he finally inherited her house.”

“It’s complicated,” Tido huffed as he stormed inside, Drake following right behind him.

“You don’t get to tell me things are complicated,” Drake replied as they entered the living room. “He’s using you, Tido.”

“So what if he is?” Tido spun and snapped. “You know damn well what it’s like to be lonely, Drake. We live in a small town, and my options are limited. There’re a lot of hot guys who live here, but none of them bat an eye at me.”

Drake gaped at his friend. “What’re you talking about? You’re handsome, Tido.”

The guy gave Drake a daft look. “We both know the truth. One, I have nothing to offer a hot guy. Two, I have a flat ass, a gap in my front teeth, my eyes are a little too big, and I’m hopeless when it comes to flirting.”

“And I’m fat,” Drake said.

“No you’re not,” Tido argued. “You’re husky. There’s a difference. You only have a small gut.”

“And a wide ass,” Drake countered.

“At least you have an ass,” Tido argued.

Tido’s ass was small, but he had one, whether the guy wanted to admit it or not. It was better than the spread Drake had. “Stop putting yourself down. Your eyes aren’t too big, and that gap is sexy.”

Tido flipped him off. “What’re you doing here anyway.”

Drake dropped onto the couch. “Elijah says I sabotage every relationship I’m in.”

Tido simply stared at him.

“No I don’t,” Drake argued.

“You kind of do.” Tido sat next to him, bending one leg on the couch to face him. “Remember Phil?”

Drake wished he could forget. “There are things about him that no one knows, and that’s all I’m gonna say,” Drake said. “I had good reason to dump him.”

“Okay.” Tido nodded. “What about Michael?”

Drake groaned as he sank back into the cushions. “It’s hard to date a guy who’s still attached to the umbilical cord. He did everything his overbearing mother wanted. The only time he rebelled was when he was dating me, but she made it almost impossible because, according to her, no one was good enough for her pumpkin.”

“You never told me that,” Tido said.

“I don’t tell you guys everything.” And it was embarrassing as hell when Michael took Drake out to eat, only for his mother to join them. She’d ordered Michael’s food, cut it for him, and looked at Drake as if Drake was corrupting her son.

Worse, Michael had acted as if he enjoyed how much she pampered him. Even worse, he still lived at home with her. Drake’s relationship with Michael had lasted a full two weeks before he’d dumped the guy.
