Page 7 of Safe & Sound

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“Have no idea. Now stop asking so many questions and make yourself useful.”

“How?” Kenji frowned. “I don’t know a thing about baked goods or how to make coffee. I just know how to eat and drink them.”

“Keep Elijah occupied while I talk to Drake.” Ajax walked over to the two. “Can you help my friend Kenji?” he asked Elijah.

“Um, sure.” He looked Kenji’s way. “With what exactly?”

“Hi,” Ajax said to Drake, ignoring Elijah’s question when he saw Kenji beckoning Elijah to the counter. “How’re you this morning?”

“I’m, uh, fine.” The guy’s cheeks caught fire, and Ajax had to stop himself from growling at how much that blush turned him on. “I forgot to pay for my smoothie last night.”

“It’s on the house.” Ajax waved toward the door that led to the back patio. He wanted more privacy to seduce his mate.

Drake looked Elijah’s way and then walked to the door. Ajax held it open for him before he followed his mate outside.

* * * *

Elijah looked Kenji over. “So, what am I supposed to be helping you with?”

At least Drake now had his answer about Ajax’s intentions. It was hard to miss the longing in Ajax’s eyes when Elijah and Drake had entered. Elijah also knew that Ajax was a wolf shifter, and now wondered if Drake could possibly be the guy’s mate.

Wouldn’t that be nice? Elijah would no longer have to watch what he said around the guy, even though Elijah had a hard time keeping secrets. Any time he was around Drake or Tido, he was bursting to tell them all about the preternatural world right under their noses.

It was truly shocking that he hadn’t told his best friends or taken out an ad in the local paper.

Did they even have a local paper?

“Hell if I know what we’re supposed to do,” Kenji said, drawing Elijah’s attention back to him. “I guess we can help by eating some of that delicious-looking cake.”

Elijah’s gaze landed on the cake display, and then his mouth started to water. “I’ll grab some plates, and you slice us each a piece.”

When Elijah brought the plates to the counter, there was only one slice cut. “Aren’t you having any?”

Kenji winked. “You get that piece, and I get the rest. Do you know how to work his fancy coffee machine?”

“How hard can it be?” Elijah asked. “Are you that kind of friend of Ajax’s?”

Kenji furrowed his brows. “Are you asking if we’re sleeping together?”

“No!” Maybe Elijah had worded that wrong. He wanted to know if Kenji was a wolf shifter but hoped he and Ajax weren’t lovers. Drake was really digging on Ajax, and it had been too long since he’d seen his friend this interested in someone.

“Or do you mean am I a wolf like Ajax?”

“Definitely that one,” Elijah said. “But are you two sleeping together? I mean you brought it up, so curious minds want to know.”

“I like you.” Kenji chuckled. “No, I’ve never been interested in Ajax in that way. Besides, I think his mate would take issue if I did see him that way.”

“So, Drake is his mate!” Elijah grinned. “I totally have to tell him.”

“No, you don’t.” Kenji put the slice on the plate and then looked at the rest of it, as if trying to decide how to devour the entire thing. It really was too pretty to cut, but Elijah’s sweet tooth was kicking in and he wanted the slice of strawberry cake. “It’s Ajax’s job to tell your friend.”

Elijah snorted. “I could lessen the shock by explaining things to Drake so he doesn’t freak out when Ajax tells him.”

Kenji shrugged. “I warned you, so my job is done. Don’t blame me if Ajax decides to kill you for telling Drake. Now let’s screw this coffee machine up by trying to make two cups.”

Elijah looked toward the back patio. He could see Drake and Ajax sitting at one of the tables. He didn’t see either guy talking, though.

Drake had no idea what he was in for, and regardless of what Kenji said, Elijah was telling his friend what was going on so it wouldn’t come as a complete shock when Ajax confessed everything to Drake.
