Page 9 of Safe & Sound

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“Why don’t I get you a piece of cake and some coffee?” Ajax smiled, and damn, that smile twisted up Drake’s insides. Even though Drake wasn’t really a coffee drinker, he’d drink a gallon if Ajax was the one offering. “Sure.”

Cake for breakfast. Fuck. Drake was going to gain five pounds, but since Ajax was the one asking, to hell with it.

“Let’s head back inside.” Ajax looked toward the sky. So did Drake. The clouds were dark, and the wind had picked up slightly. Normally Drake watched the news in the morning, but he hadn’t this morning, so he had no idea what the forecast was for the day.

“Is it going to rain?”

“If it doesn’t, it’s missing a hell of a chance.” Ajax stood and held out his hand, and Drake eagerly took it.

When they walked back inside, Drake saw Elijah and Kenji chowing down on the strawberry cake.

“He broke it!” Elijah said, pointing to Kenji.

“Broke what?” Ajax asked, a bit of a growl to his voice as he led Drake to the counter.

“I told him to wait for you,” Elijah said. “Your friend insisted on having coffee, but the machine started making a weird noise. I told him to leave it alone, but Kenji kept messing with it.”

Kenji’s jaw dropped as he looked at Elijah. “You were the one who broke it.”

“I didn’t break it,” Elijah argued. “I think I just pushed the wrong buttons. Who buys a machine that complicated anyway?”

“Ha!” Kenji waggled a finger at Elijah. “So you admit you’re the one who broke it.”

“I’m not admitting to anything,” Elijah huffed.

Drake grinned. “I see you two are getting along.” Then he frowned. “You two ate all that cake?”

“He ate all the cake,” Elijah said. “I just had a slice. Kenji wolfed the rest down. I work at a diner, and I’ve never seen anyone eat like that. It was scary.”

Kenji pointed to the cake. “I had a slice. As you can see, it’s not all gone.”

Elijah grinned. “I like bantering with you. You’re fun.”

With a roll of his eyes, Ajax walked around the counter, moved Kenji out of his way, and started pressing a series of buttons. Within seconds, the machine made some noises, and then the coffee began to pour.

The aroma filled the room, and although Drake wasn’t really a coffee drinker, it smelled delicious.

Drake inhaled deeply, enjoying the rich scent as Ajax poured the coffee and topped it with a generous dollop of whipped cream. He couldn’t take his eyes off Ajax’s hands, the way they moved so deftly and gracefully. He felt a stir of desire deep in his gut, and before he knew it, he was reaching out to touch Ajax’s hand.

Ajax turned to him, his expression softening when he obviously saw the naked desire in Drake’s eyes.

“You okay?” he asked, his thumb caressing the back of Drake’s hand.

Drake shuddered at the touch, a rush of heat flooding through him.

“I’m fine," he said, but the words came out in a breathy whisper.

Ajax leaned in, his lips brushing against Drake’s ear. “You sure?” he murmured. “Because I can’t take my eyes off you, and it’s driving me crazy.”

Drake’s skin erupted in goosebumps, and he felt his cock twitch in his jeans. He knew he should be nervous, should be backing away, but he couldn’t. Not when Ajax was looking at him like that, with hunger in his eyes and need in his touch.

“Ajax is a wolf shifter!” Elijah’s eyes widened as he slapped a hand over his mouth.

Chapter Three

Drake had no idea what Elijah was talking about, but he watched Ajax’s jaw drop as he slowly turned to look at the guy.
