Page 76 of The Step Bet

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“How about when you’re done with Ash,” he adds, “we meet up at my place? Brenner and Taylor will be heading out to the bar, but I have other ideas of what I’d like to do with you.”

“Oh really? What do these ideas involve?”

“The usual. Good, sticky fun.”

I chuckle. “I can’t say no to good, sticky fun.”

“I know you can’t.”

We make out a little more before he heads on his way, and I obey his request to keep his cum on me. I’m just his filthy sex toy, and I love it.

After I get dressed, I meet Ash downstairs. He’s looking adorable in a polo and slacks, his bangs gelled up.

We take a Lyft to the restaurant where we agreed to have our date, and after the waiter takes our drink orders, I decide to be upfront.

“Listen, before we get into this, I wanted to say one thing. Just in case there’s any misunderstanding.”

“That you’re not interested?”

I’m surprised he caught on so fast.

“Don’t worry, Troy. I’ve picked up on that over the past few weeks. I mean, I didn’t feel anything from you when we were studying, but then I saw you with the hickey, and that same night at Crave, it was apparent you weren’t so much as looking at hot ass that passed you. Someone’s got you head over heels, and it’s not me. And I’m cool with that.”

“Was I that easy to read?”

“I told you, I’m good at studying,” he says playfully. “But even if I wasn’t, I think I’d have to be pretty oblivious not to have caught on to your swoony mood.”

“I just wanted to make sure we’re on the same page, since you spent all that money at the auction.”

“I didn’t do that to put you in a weird spot. I genuinely wanted to give that money to a good cause, while also backing a really cool guy I’ve known since high school.”

“Thank you, Ash.”

I kind of wish Atlas were here to see how cool Ash is. I’m sure he doesn’t actually have any ill will toward the guy, but he’d get why Ash is so special.

“I didn’t even want a date necessarily,” Ash adds. “Wouldn’t have minded getting your dick in me a couple of times at least.”

“Ooh, Pervy Ash!”

He chuckles. “To be honest, in high school, when you would come over to go to the pool with Colin and his friends, I had these dirty fantasies about what we could do in Dad’s toolshed.”

“That would have been awkward if Colin walked in…”

“Maybe we could have put on a show for him.”

We share a laugh, and I’m glad he’s totally cool because I like spending time with him and Colin.

When the bread arrives, we dig in, and I’m feeling a lot better knowing Ash isn’t expecting anything. But all I can think is that I’m eager to get back to Atlas to tell him how it went.

Ash tells me all about his conference, and we catch up about life stuff. After I finish up, I stop by my place, change, run through the shower, brush my teeth. Then I head on over to meet up with A.

His hands are even greedier than they were before I met with Ash, and we have a good flip-fuck session before we’re lying under the covers.

I’m sated, in a daze, when Atlas says, “You’re doing that thing again.”

I wasn’t even thinking, but I’m tracing my name in that same spot.

“I know you’re spelling your name there,” he says.
