Page 62 of When You're Sane

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“Don't trust me entirely,” Finn said with a grin. “Well, they sure know how to make me feel at home.”

“It's not that Finn, it's...” Rob started.

“Yeah, yeah,” Finn said. “I get it. I burned down a hotel chasing Vilne last time in the US. They think I might be a little too reckless to go wandering around the UK with a firearm.”

“For what it's worth,” Rob said. “If it were my choice, we'd all be armed while this Vilne character is doing the rounds. Stay safe.”

Finn nodded. “And you keep Demi safe.”

“I will,” Rob said. “Good luck.”

As they left the office, Finn felt the weight of responsibility settling onto his shoulders once more. He knew that the trail they were about to follow could lead them deeper into danger, but it was a risk he had to take. For Demi, for Amelia and Rob, and for everyone else who might fall prey to Max Vilne's sinister games.

"Let's go, Winters," Finn said, determination replacing the fatigue in his voice. "If these two new murders are Vilne's, we're already playing catch up."


As Finn and Amelia pulled up to Castle Richmond, the unusual colors of the half-painted walls and turrets struck Finn as odd. The gray, white, and blue stone structure loomed over them, both imposing and baffling. Scaffolding clung to its sides like metal vines. Around its perimeter, police tape had been erected, and a couple of constables were guarding the entrance to what was still a crime scene.

Finn couldn't help but notice the outer walls, once uniformly gray, now adorned with a fresh coat of white paint, some of the turrets half-painted in pale blue.

“Looks like a kids' toy,” Finn said as he opened the door and got out. Amelia soon joined him in the brisk morning air.

Above them, a gray swirl of cloud like a whirlpool hid most of the sun from the ground. Amelia stepped forward.

"It wasn't always like this, you know," Amelia said, glancing at him. "A rich American couple bought this place. They're giving it a whole new look. Up until a few months ago, it was called Hemworth Castle, and had been for hundreds of years."

Finn smirked, taking in the unconventional design choices. "May I apologize on behalf of my country."

“We have our own share of people not valuing history, believe me,”Amelia said, tilting her head, studying the castle. "At least the colors are... Interesting."

"Interesting' is one way of putting it,” Finn quipped. “A castle should have three things: stone, knights, and ghosts. And all of that should be spooky. It's in the rule book. Anything else is just window dressing.”

“Finn, you surprise me. I didn't think you were such a stickler for tradition.”

"I am the very definition of traditional," he replied, adjusting his jacket as they approached the entrance, nodding to the constables manning the perimeter.

The crisp autumn air nipped at their faces, and Finn felt the familiar stirrings of adrenaline that he always felt at the start of cases as they prepared to face the scene inside. He knew that beneath the castle's modernized exterior lay a darker truth, one that he and Amelia would have to uncover together. It was always fun, but if Vilne was around, the stakes were far higher. And Finn was still not completely recovered from the drug Vilne had used on him. He could feel it in the core of his being. He was weaker somehow.

"Ready?" Amelia asked as they approached the police tape.

"Always," Finn responded, hiding any worries about his capabilities in his current condition. “No, wait a second.” Finn ran his hand through his blond hair, making sure it was sitting perfectly. “Okay,nowI'm ready.”

“Remind me to book a beauty therapist for you next time we're on a case.”

As they neared the front of the castle, Finn overheard two police constables whispering animatedly. "That's them, I know it," one of them muttered, casting furtive glances in their direction. Finn couldn't help but grin, knowing that he and Amelia had gained a certain level of infamy for solving high-profile cases across the UK.

Finn winked at Amelia, who rolled her eyes and whispered, "Please don't" through gritted teeth.

“Consulting Detective, Finn Wright, at your service,” Finn said in a theatrical voice to the constables. “Ably assisted by Inspector Amelia Winters.”

Amelia showed her badge. “It's the other way around.”

"Ah, the life of a ridiculously famous detective," Finn quipped again, his tone playful. The constables exchanged amused glances, clearly taken aback by Finn's candor.

"Are you always like this?" one asked in a strong London accent, cracking a smile.

"Only on days ending in 'y,'" Finn replied, grinning as Amelia shook her head in mock disapproval.
