Page 3 of Silent House

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"Wait, what's going on?"Sheila asked, her confusion evident."I thought I was supposed to meet Rayland Bax."

"Change of plans.Just follow me," he insisted, offering no further explanation.

With a mixture of curiosity and reluctance, Sheila rose from her seat and followed the guard through the maze-like corridors of Blackridge Penitentiary.Her mind raced with questions and concerns, but she didn't dare voice them out loud.What could have possibly changed?Was Rayland refusing to see her?Or was there something more sinister at play?

As they arrived at the warden's office, Sheila couldn't help but notice the contrast between this room and the rest of the prison.It was well-furnished, with plush carpeting and polished wooden furniture.A small collection of books lined one wall, while an array of framed certificates hung above the warden's desk.

"Wait here," the guard ordered, leaving Sheila alone in the room.

The warden, a middle-aged man with a neatly trimmed beard, appeared to be on the phone, engaged in a jovial conversation with someone who sounded like an old friend.Laughter filled the room as he exchanged pleasantries, completely oblivious to Sheila's presence.

"Absolutely, we'll catch up soon!"the warden exclaimed, still chuckling."Give my regards to your family!"

As Sheila stood there, she felt her impatience growing.She had been so close to getting the answers she sought, and now she found herself stuck in the warden's office with no idea why.She clenched her fists, trying to maintain her composure and focus on the task at hand.

The warden hung up the phone, his laughter dissipating as he finally acknowledged Sheila's presence.He was a tall man with graying hair that looked like it had once been dark and thick.His eyes were cold, almost icy, set above a thin-lipped mouth and a square jaw that gave him an air of authority.

"My name is Owen Abbott," he said, offering a smile utterly devoid of warmth."I'm the…head honcho, you might say, here at Blackridge."

"Sheila Stone.Nice to meet you."

"I understand you're here to see Rayland Bax."He cocked his head, studying her as if she were an exotic insect."What is your business with him?"

Sheila hesitated for a moment, trying to gauge the warden's intentions."I have some questions for him," she replied carefully, not wanting to reveal too much.

"Questions?"Abbott raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed."About what?"

"I believe he might have been involved in my mother's murder," Sheila admitted, her voice wavering slightly as she spoke the words out loud.It felt as though a heavy weight had just settled on her chest, one that only grew heavier with each passing moment.

The warden studied her for a moment, his expression unreadable.Sheila couldn't help but feel exposed under his gaze, like a small animal caught in a predator's sights.She shifted uncomfortably, suddenly feeling very aware of her vulnerability in this unfamiliar and dangerous environment.

"Your mother's murder?"he repeated slowly, as if testing the words."That's quite the accusation.What makes you think Rayland Bax has anything to do with it?"

"His car was seen leaving my parents' house."

"Interesting," the warden mused, leaning back in his chair and steepling his fingers."But it doesn't necessarily mean he was involved, does it?It could be nothing more than a coincidence."

"It's not definitive proof, no," Sheila conceded, her tone firm."But it's certainly very suspicious.Either way, I need to speak with him.It's the only way I can get closure and move on from my mother's death."

The warden's eyes narrowed as he scrutinized Sheila, making her feel like a specimen under a microscope.He leaned forward in his chair, the leather creaking under his weight.

"Tell me, Miss Stone, have you ever been to a prison before?"he asked.

Sheila shook her head, her eyes never leaving his."No, I haven't."

"Blackridge Penitentiary is not like any other place," Abbott said, his voice low and foreboding."It houses some of the most dangerous criminals in this state.Trust me when I say that there are things that go on here that you can't even begin to imagine."

Despite the chill running down her spine, Sheila refused to let the warden's words intimidate her.She had spent countless hours training her body and mind to handle difficult situations.This was just another challenge she had to overcome.

"I can handle myself," she insisted, her jaw set with determination."I've faced adversity my entire life, and I won't back down now, not when I'm so close to finding out the truth about my mother's murder."

"Adversity?"The warden scoffed, leaning back in his chair once more."I assure you, you've never faced anything as dangerous as the animals here.People get hurt in places like this, especially if they don't know what they're doing.Just because you've started going to the academy doesn't make you ready for Blackridge."

Sheila's cheeks burned with embarrassment.She shouldn't have mentioned her training to the guard.

"You rookies," Abbott said condescendingly, raising an eyebrow."Let me tell you something: Joining the force doesn't automatically make you an expert in handling dangerous criminals.You'll need a lot of field experience before you're ready to sit down with someone like Rayland Bax.I'm saying that for your own good, mind."

Sheila clenched her fists, trying to keep her anger in check.She knew she had a lot to learn, but she also knew that time was of the essence.Every day that passed without answers about her mother's death was another day of unbearable uncertainty.
