Page 43 of Seeking Justice

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Wyatt chimed in without looking up from his screen. “What’s up, Kev? You finally coming back full time?”

“Not yet,” Kevin replied, his hand still on Major. “Hopefully soon, though. Where’s Sam and Jo?”

Reese dipped her brush in the paint. “Last I saw, Sam dropped Jo off, and then they both headed out again. Must’ve gotten some leads. They were coming back from questioning Hank Madden but didn’t come into the station.”

Kevin nodded. “How’s the case going?”

“It’s still in the narrowing-down stage, but at least the leads haven’t dried up. You heard about how April used to be Mary Madden, right?” Wyatt asked.

Kevin nodded.

“And Beryl Thorne lied about not knowing her,” Reese added. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she was behind this.”

Both Kevin and Wyatt snorted.

“No kidding. She’s not to be trusted,” Kevin said.

“We could use you back here, Kevin,” Wyatt said sincerely, finally looking up from his computer. “Place isn’t the same without you.”

“Yeah, we miss having you around,” Reese added, a sentiment of genuine camaraderie in her voice. “Seems like things are moving in the right direction. I mean, you did get to go out and settle the issue with Nettie and Rita, so that’s progress.”

Kevin laughed, the warmth of their words giving him a sense of belonging. Hopefully giving the thumb drive to Sam would help solidify his standing as part of the team but not if he told Sam how he’d cracked it. Instead, he’d just pretend like he’d gotten lucky with the passwords.

Part of him hesitated at that. If he didn’t tell anyone that the password had been found in the notebook related to that narcotics case, that could be withholding evidence. It would probably get sorted out, though, once someone figured out what those images were for. Kevin was sure it would come back around, and if it was an important part of that case, someone would figure it out. Or maybe he should pretend that he hadn’t been able to crack it at all.

“I hope I’m not stuck only dealing with Nettie and Rita when I get back. I’d like to think my talents are best used elsewhere.”

After a few more minutes of conversation, Kevin checked his watch. “I should head out. I hope you guys catch a break in the investigation.”

“Thanks,” Wyatt said, returning to his typing.

“See you Monday,” Reese called as Kevin walked out the door. Monday was the next day that Kevin was due back to work. He guessed he could give the thumb drive to Sam then. That would give him time to decide if he wanted to let Sam know he’d figured out the password or not.

It was a short walk to the town diner. The interior was a cozy blend of classic and modern—checkerboard floors paired with sleek, comfortable booths and warm, ambient lighting. The walls were adorned with black-and-white photos of the town’s history, adding a touch of nostalgia.

He chose a booth near the window, sliding into the cushioned seat with a view of the street. The waitress, who had a friendly face with a ready smile, came over almost immediately. “What can I get for you, hon?”

“Coffee, black, and a piece of apple pie, please,” Kevin ordered, settling into the comforting rhythm of the diner.

As she bustled away, Kevin’s hand brushed against the thumb drive in his pocket. He leaned back, his gaze drifting outside, lost in thought.

The diner was the polar opposite of the seedy one where he had seen Bridget—clean, well lit, a place where families and friends gathered. The memory of Bridget flashed in his mind. Despite their brief interactions, he felt a connection to her, a sense of trust that he couldn’t quite explain.

The waitress returned with his coffee and pie, the aroma of the freshly baked apple filling the air around him. “Here you go. Let me know if you need anything else,” she said warmly.

“Thanks,” Kevin replied, offering a grateful smile. He took a sip of the hot coffee, letting the bitterness and warmth ground him in the moment.

Kevin’s thoughts were interrupted as the diner door swung open, a familiar figure stepping inside. Bridget, as if summoned by his musings, appeared, her eyes scanning the room before landing on him. Her eyes widened in surprise, and a small smile played on her lips as she made her way over.

“Seems like we’re destined to keep bumping into each other in diners,” Bridget joked, her voice light.

Kevin chuckled, shifting in his seat to face her. “Can’t help it. I’m a fan of good food and coffee,” he replied with an easy grin. “Care to join me? I promise I’m not stalking you with diner locations.”

Bridget laughed, the sound warm and genuine. “I’d love to,” she said, sliding into the seat opposite him. “I was just thinking I could use a good cup of coffee.”

The waitress came over, and Bridget ordered a coffee, her eyes twinkling with amusement as she looked back at Kevin. “So, what brings you here today? Other than the obvious culinary delights, of course.”

Kevin, feeling a pleasant flutter of happiness at her company, leaned back, enjoying the moment. He knew he should keep things light. Small talk. He hardly knew her. But as he talked about the weather, the urge to tell her about the thumb drive and his worries about it being something really important gnawed at him.
