Page 42 of Seeking Justice

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“After the divorce, did you keep in touch with her?” Sam leaned slightly forward to gauge Hank’s reaction.

“Hardly. We went our separate ways. I had little to do with her once she became April,” Hank asserted, but his voice lacked conviction.

Danika stood close to Hank, her body language protective.

Sam pressed on. “Your initials were in April’s day planner. A meeting scheduled for the night she died. Can you explain that?”

Hank’s eyes darted to Danika, a flicker of panic crossing his face. “My initials? I never had a meeting with her. Maybe it was someone else with the same initials.”

Sam had to admit that could be true, but he didn’t think that was the case.

“Are you sure you didn’t talk to her? Did she call? Maybe you ran into her in the store and she wanted to meet, and you said yes just to appease her?” Jo suggested, just in case Hank didn’t want to admit to meeting his ex in front of Danika.

Danika quickly chimed in. “He couldn’t have met her. We were together here, at home, all night that night.”

Hank frowned at Danika. “Yes, that’s right. I usually don’t go out much on work nights. My job is too physically demanding, and I need lots of sleep.”

Jo’s eyes narrowed. Something seemed off about their alibi. She glanced at Lucy, who let out a low, rumbling growl, echoing the detectives’ skepticism.

Sam continued. “We’ll need to verify that alibi. Do you have anyone who can confirm you were both here?”

Hank shifted uncomfortably. “It was just us,” he muttered, avoiding direct eye contact.

As they left Hank’s house, the evening air had a crispness to it, a reminder that the day was drawing to a close. Jo mulled over the conversation, her instincts telling her there was more to Hank and Danika’s story.

Jo began, “That alibi is a little too convenient.”

Sam nodded in agreement. “We need to check their story. There’s more to this than Hank’s letting on.”

“Maybe we should swing back after Danika goes to work.” Jo opened the back door, and Lucy jumped in, then she got into the passenger seat.

Sam nodded in agreement, starting the car. “It’s a strange coincidence, her showing up twice in this case. Something doesn’t add up. And why didn’t she mention she was living with April’s ex when we were questioning Travis?”

“Let’s not forget there’s still Beryl,” Jo added. “My money’s still on her being involved.”

“I need to check with Sorentino about her alibi.” Sam’s lips pursed as if the very thought was distasteful.

Jo glanced at the clock. It was nearing five p.m.—an opportune time to catch Lily at her shop. “I’d like to talk to Lily again to see if she can tell us more about the Websters. I have a hunch they are involved in my sister’s case. The shop should be quiet around this time, and I feel like she might open up to me.”

Sam gave a nod of approval. “Good idea. I’ll go up to Convale and have a talk with Sorentino.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Jo said, a determined glint in her eye.

Sam pulled into the station, and Jo hopped out and headed toward their other official car, an old model Crown Victoria. “I’ll see you back here in about an hour.”

“See you then.” Sam pulled back onto the road and headed toward the Convale Corporate office.


Kevin walked into the station, the thumb drive a small but significant weight in his pocket. He’d been second-guessing himself about turning it in. It felt almost like a burden, and he wished he had someone he could trust, someone he could talk it over with. But he didn’t. He could only trust himself.

He immediately noticed the freshly painted walls and Reese, diligently adding the final touches. At a nearby desk, Wyatt was engrossed in something on his computer.

“Place is looking good,” Kevin commented, glancing around.

Reese looked up, her face breaking into a smile. “Thanks, Kevin. I’m pretty happy with the progress.”

Major meandered over to Kevin, rubbing against his leg. He bent down to give the cat a scratch behind the ears. “Hey, buddy.”

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