Page 2 of Veiled Vengeance

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“Seemed like you did an awful lot of talking,” the man replied. “Were you trying to scare me, calling out, giving yourself away like that? You’re an amateur hunter and an even worse wolf.”

This time, Luna bluffed, moving the knife to her left hand. She strode confidently but quietly forward as though trying to pacify the situation.

“Not giving up already, are you?” the man asked. “Pity. I was having so much fun.”

Luna stopped, tilting her head down as she was within range. A layer of fog coated the treescape, allowing the moon to radiate through the forest. She stared down at the man’s muddy footprints, studying his trajectory.

Looking up, she smiled at him. “Not on your life.”

She lunged, dropping the dagger entirely as she drove the brunt of her torso into the man’s side, elbowing him in the gut.

She heard the man’s pained grunt.

I’ve got you right where I want you.

“Don’t get too cocky now,” the man said through labored breathing.

He jabbed his fist forward, punching Luna in the stomach.

Acting fast, Luna fell back, retrieving the dagger from the muddy forest floor.

“What were you intending to do here?” the man asked. “Answer correctly, and I might spare your life.”

Luna scoffed.

She was done playing.

Driving forward with all her might, she drove the dagger into the man’s stomach while he was too busy talking. He attempted to stab her in return, but she was far too quick. She ducked, being smaller in height and stature.

Taking the win, she yanked the dagger out and jumped back again.

Gasping through the pain, the man spoke. He would heal quickly from any injury not coated in silver.

“You’re quick, I’ll give you that,” the man said. “But it won’t save you.”

“Good,” Luna said. “I don’t expect mercy from a killer.”

This seemed to irritate the man as he bared his broken teeth.

He moved forward, and though muddling through the pain, his force was impressive. Luna darted up a tree to get out of the way. Rushing forward again, he targeted his fury at the tree, jarring Luna from her weak vantage point.

As Luna fell from the tree’s sturdy branches, she angled her body, trying to land on her feet far enough from the rogue wolf to not be killed instantly.

She landed gracefully but needed to widen the gap between them if she was to come out victorious. Despite her advantage in speed and smaller stature, he was far stronger and more imposing.

Perhaps if she changed into her wolf form, it would help her.

“You’re out of your league, girl,” the man spat, blood and saliva landing on the forest floor. “Give up. I’ll make your death nice and easy.”

Thinking quickly, Luna lifted a heavy rock from the ground, throwing it at the rogue wolf. He dodged quickly enough, but Luna already had another rock in hand.

This one landed almost exactly where the man had already been stabbed.

“Just die already, bitch!” he screamed.

Luna was suddenly aware of the noise they were making and hoped they didn’t draw anybody’s attention.

“You first,” Luna said.
