Page 25 of Veiled Vengeance

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The children looked back at the food in desperation, wondering whether a tummy ache might be worth further delaying school. But all of the food had already been eaten.

Frantically, they all shook their heads … except for one redheaded girl, who had a wide grin on her face.

Adrian smiled knowingly.

“I’ll let you all play for five more minutes,” Adrian said. “But then we’re off. Okay, kids?”


The rest of the children joined Luna in wolf form, and they all chased each other around the village. Luna was still amazed by how different this pack was, including Adrian, who led without issue or challenge.



“Well, that’s that, I guess,” Luna said.

Adrian and Luna had walked the children one by one back to their homes to get dressed. Then, when everyone had new clothes on their human forms, they took the group to preschool, standing outside the humble, multi-storied brick building. Even from outside, she heard the commotion as the teacher tried to calm them down.

“Thank you for your help, Sasha,” Adrian said to his sister, who looked very groggy and as though she needed a good deal of coffee.

“No problem, bro,” Sasha said, stretching out widely and stifling a yawn. “Always happy to help.”

“You can go back to bed now if you want.”

“Oh, thank God.”

Sasha reached over, giving Luna a big hug, before hugging her brother. Then, before Adrian could extend a word of protest, trying to keep her here, Sasha dashed into the background.

Adrian watched her disappear, the flickering sun through the leaves making it hard to see.

“What were you talking to that kid about?” Luna asked, recalling Maurice.

Adrian had to think hard before holding up a finger in remembrance.

“Oh, right,” he said, subconsciously walking away from the door so as not to be overheard. “Normally, I don’t like to talk about these private matters, but Maurice’s parents are having some trouble.”

Luna shook her head.

“Aww … that’s terrible.”

“Yeah. Just a small example of how getting the kids together can teach me about pack concerns.”

Luna’s expression blanked. “What do you mean?”

“Well, Maurice’s dad is one of my enforcers, Herald,” Adrian said. “I’m sure they’ll work out their problems, but if they don’t, it could really affect Herald’s duties.”

“I see.”

Adrian noted she still had some reservations but thought that perhaps she was coming around to his method of leadership.

That was when the door opened. An elderly woman stepped out, huddling close to Adrian and Luna.

“What did you do?” the woman asked Adrian in a hushed tone.

“What are you talking about, Edna?”

“They’re more hyper than I’ve ever seen them. I can’t get them to quiet down.”
