Page 62 of Veiled Vengeance

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Luna had come a long way since then.

Still, if anybody could understand Luna’s rage, it was Sasha. In the back of his mind, Adrian wondered if it was why they became fast friends.

“Do you want a fire for marshmallows?” Adrian asked Luna, putting a hand up to tell Sasha to pipe down. “Are you in the mood to celebrate with a campfire?”

Luna shrugged. “I don’t see why not. Why shouldn’t we have a little party?”

Adrian shrugged. “Whatever you say, dear. Sasha, go get the fixings. I’ll start another fire.”

Sasha giggled, clearly pleased she had gotten her way. She linked her arm with Luna’s, and the two rushed off together, whispering to each other like sisters.

Adrian shook his head, unsure whether he was happy or dismayed that Sasha seemed to be rubbing off on Luna. Then, he piled some of the wood that had been gathered to start a new fire. By the time the girls returned, it was blazing.

“Nice job, brother,” Sasha praised. She grabbed a long stick to stir the campfire, trying to coax it into burning down just enough to be the perfect marshmallow-roasting temperature.

“It won’t bring Darius back,” Luna mused as she stared into the funeral pyre where Victor’s body was being burned last. “But I’m glad it’s over.”

Adrian probed through the depths of her eyes, trying to sift through conflicting emotions.

“Do you still miss him?”

Luna shook her head, then paused.

“In a way. But you’re everything I could ever want, and I would never have met you if not for all this. Not just as my fated mate, but in general. I think he and I would have worked well together, but it wouldn’t be the same,” she said, smiling at Adrian.

“I guess I’d say that I was heading to a life that would have been fine but not fantastic. And with you, I get a life that’s incredible. I get the perfect dream, you know? It’s hard to be bitter about that.”

A trace of melancholy flashed across her features. “But I still grieve for him. He was a good man, and now he’s dead. That’s something I can’t ever undo, and when I think of it that way, it’s hard not to feel sad about it all.”

“That’s fair.”

Luna took a marshmallow out of Sasha’s bag without asking, sticking it over the fire.


Luna gave her a mischievous smile. “What, don’t feel like sharing?” Luna asked.

Adrian couldn’t help but laugh before noticing a mark on her back. It was slight, but blood had seeped through her shirt. “Hey, hold still,” he said, gently pulling the collar of the shirt back to see scratches across her shoulder blade.

“I told everyone to see the healer after the fight,” he reminded her. “You need to get that looked at.” He hated the thought of his Luna in pain.

“I’m fine, see?” Luna insisted. She held out her arm, turning it in all directions, her marshmallow now catching fire. Despite her words, she couldn’t stop herself from wincing when she bent her arm and tried to blow out the flaming marshmallow.

“Go see the healer,” he urged.

Luna tried to argue with him, shaking her head in defiance.

“I’m fine,” she said, looking to Sasha for approval.

But then she noticed the marshmallow dripping onto the fire, flaming so hot that even the stick was unsalvageable, and she threw her stick into the fire.

“You owe me a marshmallow,” Luna said, punching Sasha’s arm before walking off to the healer in the distance.

Sasha pursed her lips, staring at Adrian. “I don’t owe her shit,” she said. “These aremymarshmallows.”

Adrian sighed. “Share your marshmallows, sis,” he said. “Do we have to send you back to daycare?”

“But they’remymarshmallows.”
