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I grabbed a tissue and wiped her eyes. “I’m sorry. I’ll keep my mouth shut.” I pretended to lock my lips and throw away the key.

She looked amused, and the waterworks slowed to a trickle. She took a deep breath and tried again. “All I really know for sure is that I’m submissive or I wish to be someone’s submissive and, well, I need to be accepted. I think the biggest thing is I, um, really like spankings. I wasn’t sure until you, uh, gave me that one and as much as it hurt, I liked what it did to my insides.”

My cock sprung to attention with her confession. It liked her squirming on top of it, a lot.

Her passionate gaze dropped to my lap, and she licked her lips while gazing at the bulge in my pants. “I think you liked it as much as I did.” She clapped her hand over her mouth, stifling a giggle.

I had the sudden urge to put something else against those moist, full lips. “Careful,” I growled. “That will get you back over my lap and end with my erection down your throat.”

Her eyes widened, pupils dilating in response to my threat. It was an actual possibility, as it was becoming increasingly harder to keep my word and not give her what I promised back at her apartment. I wanted to reach out and tug her hand away from her mouth, slide it onto my erection and show her exactly the type of kiss I would give her now. Instead, I stuffed down those desires and started the engine.

“We better get a move on.” I pulled out onto the highway, keeping my eyes on the road and telling the monster in my pants to calm the hell down. It took a while, but eventually he realized he wasn’t getting any.

Our conversation moved to safer topics and a calm peace developed between us, like in our youth. Victoria was the same girl I remembered from my youth, just behind those layers she built over the years of solitude.

I wanted her then and still wanted her now… on her knees, over my lap… in my life.That thought of being in that number one position again had me grip the steering wheel. I questioned my sanity in wanting a project as my life partner. Was she submissive, absolutely, but so far everything about her needs and wants was a theory, untried fantasies. We had an hour or so alone together in my truck, and plenty of time to talk before we got to Rawhide, where I would hand her off to Harmony. Back in my comfort zone, I would have plenty of time to think things through and make choices, sans my dick.

“Ronnie, when you visualize your fantasies, do they always happen in your bedroom, or do you see yourself elsewhere?” I don’t know why I asked that question except to wonder if agoraphobia was just a wall or truly an innate condition. She almost looked identical to how she had at fifteen, the only difference being that her butt had filled out and she had grown breasts, small, but beautifully shaped. She was like a house plant left in the dark for too long and starved of necessary nutrients.

One week at Rawhide would put a healthy glow back in her pale cheeks. It may be cold but there was a lot of sunshine, good food and plenty of attention. And an overbearing Daddy just itching to keep her in line.

Glancing at her from my peripheral, I caught her chewing her bottom lip. When she released it from between her teeth, itshone cherry red in the afternoon light. I loved how plump her bottom lip was and hoped she would chew the top one to match.

“No. None of my fantasies happen in my apartment, despite believing I’d never leave my home. It sounds weird, I know, and it’s hard to explain. But I think a part of me always hoped I’d get out.” She waved her arm around at the truck and the environment beyond. “Honestly, this feels so surreal. Like I’m watching a movie of me doing something unusual and with you. This feels more like a fantasy than anything real.”

Interesting answer. I vowed by the time the wedding was over, it would feel plenty real.

“Was there ever a certain person featured in any of these fantasies of yours?” Admittedly, I was a bit curious to see how I rated in her fantasy department… a little, a lot, or not at all. She certainly featured in many of mine, riding my cock after receiving a blistering spanking and half a dozen orgasms first.

Her face turned a deep puce. “Do I have to answer that?”

“Yes, unless you want me to pull over and spank the answer out of you.”

“What if I want that?” she whispered. “Then what?”

I was in danger of allowing her to top from the bottom because I wanted the same thing she did. So much so that my John Thomas was standing at attention, begging me to carry out my threat.

“Veronica, if you have something you want from me, then you ask me for it. But if you plan on withholding information because you want to force my hand, pun intended, then your fantasy spanking will turn into a punishment real fast. Let me educate you on the realities of your situation. Right now, you are in my care. I decide what you need and what you don’t need. If you have a request, you make it. If I ask you a question, you answer or pay the price. How do you feel about me pulling over and giving you a spanking on the side of the highwaywhere everyone can see your naughty bottom? I’ll lift your skirt and bare your naked backside to passersby. Then I’ll make you sit on your naked, scorched backside all the way to Rawhide. When we pull up, I’ll repeat the process and everyone, and I mean everyone, will know you’ve been a bad Little girl and are receiving your just desserts. How does that sound?”

Her mouth had dropped open and formed a perfect O.

“You may want to close that before I put something in there that has been wanting to feel those soft, kissable lips of yours since you sat on my lap.”

Her mouth slammed shut. I couldn’t help the small smirk lifting the corner of my mouth. I wasn’t worried about her seeing it either, as she returned her gaze directly out the front window. I was pretty sure she was too busy processing the threat to think of ways of trying to get me to do what she wanted. With any luck, those thoughts would keep her busy all the way to Rawhide Ranch.

Chapter 5


Jacob’s threatwas doing all kinds of crazy to my body. I wasn’t sure if he would really go through with a public chastisement, but the threat of something so uncomfortable, so forbidden, was also incredibly exciting.

I’d been gazing at him frequently ever since he’d appeared on my doorstep. Observing him through my peripheral had become far more interesting than the view from the plane or outside his front windshield once I’d climbed into his truck at the airport’s parking garage in Butte. He was the same as I remembered, yet more. A beefier, muscled 2.0 version of the boy I grew up with. Adult Jacob had a perfect tan covering his solid frame. The corners of his eyes had tiny crow’s feet, I presumed came from squinting up at a sun-laden sky a little too often.

With nothing to do but observe him and stare out the window, my imagination ran amuck with the memory of Jacob and I in the closet in Porsha’s bedroom. It always started with that fateful night, the one in which the fire robbed me of my first kiss and all my worldly possessions.

A tremor moved through me at the visceral memory of his kiss from earlier today. With the effects of these new experiences so fresh, I wanted to extend them from beyond the closet. Just because I missed out back when we were teens, and my new experiences included a kiss that melted my panties and a cathartic spanking, one in which I wished ended with several orgasms, didn’t mean I couldn’t imagine that ending now. I mean, why limit myself?

Jacob tugged me to him,running his hands down my arms and back. “You’re okay, V, you’re safe with me.”

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