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He was so close his breath tickled my ear.

“Are you ready for your first kiss?”

Was I? Oh yeah, more than ready.

“How did you know?”

He chuckled. “Only those who haven’t gotten to first base were in the game, remember?”

“Oh. Right. I forgot. Um, so what do I do?”

One of his hands slid into my mass of blonde curls, his gentle but firm grip keeping me still. “Absolutely nothing.”

His lips descended, capturing mine. They were soft and firm and I couldn’t hold back a groan. His tongue licked the seam of my closed lips until they parted, then his tongue was in my mouth.

The jolt of pleasure startled me out of inertia, and my tongue tentatively reached for his. He sucked it into his mouth and my eyes flew wide open to find him watching me. His gaze held amusement and something almost predatory. Heat flared through my core.

His free hand slid to my ass, and he gripped it hard, tugging me tight against him, so tight I could feel his hard on. He swallowed the gasp I released and then relinquished his hold on my hair. I’d been so captivated by the kiss; I’d forgotten all about him fisting my hair.

My scalp tingled when he released his grip, but I didn’t have much time to process that. His hand slid down my chest, capturing my breast through my t-shirt and thumbed my hardened nipple.

“Oh my god, don’t stop.”

“What are you doing, Ronnie?”

“I said don’t stop!” Imaginary Jacob had pulled away and flesh and blood Jacob snapped his fingers and my eyes instantly fluttered open.

I was so confused, then remembered I was in a vehicle with the object of my fantasy sitting less than a foot away. I glanced at him, my face burning with embarrassment at the knowing smirk he speared me with.

“Sleeping, or I was until you startled me awake.”

He nodded sagely, focusing on the road once again. “Was it now? And in your dream, was I making you come?”

Oh my god, seriously! “Please don’t make me answer that,” I groaned.

Jacob chuckled and then put on his serious look. “Don’t think you can get out of this without telling me all about it.”

His dominant tone sent tingles down my spine. The junction between my thighs was throbbing almost painfully now with desire. Was this his evil plan? To leave me wanting until I begged.

“Yes, okay, yes, I imagined us together. Happy now?” I slapped my hands over my face and when he didn’t answer right away, peeked between my fingers to see his focus was on the road, but he had a faraway look, like his mind was elsewhere.

“Where were we?” His tone had changed, no longer amused or dominant, but husky with a needy undertone.

“The night in the closet. In my imagination, no one banged on the door, and my life didn’t go up in smoke. Instead, we did it, and went all the way. In my fantasy, you took my virginity.”

Holy hell, that was a lot to admit to out loud and to a man, no less! I was sure, had I been standing at an intersection, I’d been mistaken for a stop sign because my cheeks were so hot.

“I imagine that too,” was all he said.

Wow, admitting he thought about me, no, fantasizing about us in the closet at Porsha’s place, was huge in my books. Happiness replaced the anxiety and the pressure I’d been feeling since the gas station. He wanted me, and that was enough for now.

Not much later, we pulled into a motel parking lot. “What are we doing here?” I gazed nervously around, not seeing anywhere we might get food. “You don’t mean for us to stay here, do you?” Panic welled up inside of me at the thought of staying out in the middle of nowhere with no conveniences of any kind. Oh no! Is this what the Ranch would be like? This couldn’t be it, could it? If so, where were all the extra buildings?

“I want to go home!” I cried. “I can’t stay here!”

Jacob, who was half out of the truck, climbed back inside, closing his door. “Veronica, calm down, we aren’t staying here. I’m just grabbing some more water bottles from the vending machine. Do you want to come with me?”

Relief hit me so fast I felt woozy and toppled sideways, landing against Jacob.
