Page 8 of Reclaiming River

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No way, no how, was I ready to talk to him this minute. I jerked out of his grasp and he frowned. His hands squeezed the air where my shoulders had once been as if he was unconsciously trying to pull me back. Why did he have to be so big? I couldn’t duck around him to the stairs; the door at my back was my only escape.

“You look really good.”

I’d never heard him sound awkward before but that was the only way I could describe his tone.

“Thank you.” My voice was more of a squeak so neither of us was doing well in the vocal department.

“Have you been here this entire time?”

Now his tone sounded accusing. Could Catherine have been right and he’d worried about me?


Anger made his features so cold I repressed a shiver.

“I see. I’m here for three days. We should get dinner and talk.”

“I’m sorry. I’ve got to go.” I had to get out of there before I agreed to anything he asked. How could he be so tempting even when obviously angry with me? The magnetic energy between us sparked and flared to life as if we had never been apart. I cravedhim like a drug and the only solution was to get away before my will broke.

When he didn’t move to let me by, I turned around and yanked the door open a second time. I’d figure out another way to my room once my brain started working again.

“How could you throw away two years without even respecting me enough to have a conversation? You owe me an explanation.”

His words stopped me faster than if he had thrown a knife into my back.

“What?” Something inside of me cracked. A torrent of anger and frustration I hadn’t realized I held locked inside rushed forward, and I spun to face him.

“You heard me.”

He took two steps forward and though we were only inches away from each other, for the first time in my life though he was looming over me exuding dominance, my submissive side stayed silent.

“I didn’t respect you?” My voice was incredulous and I was so proud of how strong I sounded. “I owe you?”

“Yes.” He hissed the word at me.

“Did you respect me when you broke promise after promise with nothing more than a passing comment about how important your precious job was? I owe you an explanation for why I left when after using my safeword, the only thing you could say was we would discuss mynonsenselater?”

“It was one date! You left me for breaking a single date!”

We were both shouting now but I didn’t think either of us cared.

“In the six months before I left, you broke seventeen dates and twenty-two other promises to me and that doesn’t even count the almost one hundred times you broke the part of ourcontract that said you would text me if you had to stay at work later than six o’clock.”

He looked taken aback by my words but it only fed my anger. “In the four months before I left, I maybe got a kiss on the cheek or head as you came home or left, but we had only had sex twice and that had been after I practically begged you, so you rolled me onto my back and fucked me missionary-style and didn’t even notice when I didn’t come.”

I was poking him in the chest, completely spurred on by his look of shock.

“So remind me again of how much I owe you because you left me money on the counter and gave me access to your fucking credit card. I may have been your slave and your slut, but I deserved more than that. Hell, a fifteen-minute talk after I safeworded probably would have kept me stupidly serving you for another month, but I wasn’t even important enough for five minutes of your time.” Tears streamed down my face but I didn’t care.

“That can’t be right,” he sputtered. “I was busy and you knew it. When you agreed to be my slave, you knew—”

The pop of sound rang out so loudly I was sure everyone within a mile of where we stood heard it. Shock hit me like a lightning bolt as the reddening of his cheek and the stinging in my palm told me I had just slapped him.

“What’s going on here?” a gruff voice demanded.

What had I done? I’d never struck someone in anger. Horror and shame filled me as I spun on my heel to see Master Derek standing a foot away with his arms crossed over his chest. In my meltdown, I hadn’t even heard the door open.

Holy shit! I had struck a guest in anger.

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