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I turn back to face her. “I’m sorry I jumped to the wrong conclusion. I’ll clear it all up.”

“You should’ve figured it all out before now. Why is it always too late? Men, I swear, they just can’t get out of their own way.”

“Too late?”

Adalynn sighs once again as she turns to walk toward the hand sink behind the counter. “Madison moved. She’s taking a job in the city. You should be proud. You ran her out of town.”

Chapter 38


“The curriculum is purposely difficult,” Mr. Lane continues. “The preschool we’ll be applying for requires it.”

I give them a tight-lipped smile.

I shouldn’t have a single opinion on how people want their kids raised but having a classroom setup for a two-year-old seems a little excessive.

The house is lovely, if a little stuffy and unwelcoming. It’s clean, in no small part I imagine for the other staff they have working for them. A lovely woman, wearing a name tag withViola, answered the door and welcomed me to sit, offering me tea or lemonade before scurrying off.

“How did Lila do with her last nanny?”

“Lila Gray,” Mrs. Lane corrects.

I swear it’s the twenty-first century and they’re trying to raise debutantes. It wouldn’t surprise me if they told me next that I’ll be supervising weekly playdates with her betrothed.

“My apologies,” I say in a regal tone that comes out a little more sarcastic than it probably should in the middle of a job interview. “Lila Gray.”

“Her last nanny was argumentative. She didn’t want to adhere to the schedule, but Lila Gray doesn’t have any issues working through her studies when she’s sick.” I stare at the woman.

It takes everything I have in me to keep my mouth shut and my jaw off the floor.

“It’s a very regimented program, and I hate to say it, but she’s already a little behind,” Mr. Lane says, his tone serious.

The child is two, and they’ve not only left no room for her to be a kid, but she also can’t even rest when she’s ill? It seems like abuse to me.

“And the twins?”

“Willa Mae and Ruby Kate don’t start their programs until the fall,” Mrs. Lane says, a hint of relief in her voice.

“When they turn one?” I clarify.

She nods, giving me a smile.

These people might possibly be clinically insane. The girls are going to grow up hating them, but I’m scared they’ll end up hating themselves more, because they’re being conditioned to please their parents.

“Is this something you can adhere to?” Mr. Lane asks.

“No,” I tell them immediately.

There’s no sense in lying. I’d only move in, attempt to put a two-year-old on a school schedule only to be fired. I don’t have the energy to even pack for such a short time.

“Excuse me?” Mrs. Lane asks as if I’ve offended her.

“You’re not going to find anyone that’s able to do that with such young kids.”

“The Gaels managed it with Ellarae Jade.”

“Then you might want to use the nanny they used,” I tell them as I stand.
