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I don’t know how long I would’ve waited to make contact with her, but the fact that she has blocked my phone number took a lot of wind out of my sails.

It made me really consider that she hates me and wants nothing to do with me, but my resolve to try and win her back deepens with every mile I close between the two of us. I know she isn’t going to smile and run into my arms when I pull up. She isn’t going to be happy at the sight of me either. I’ve hurt her. I’ve rocked the faith she had in me. Why should she trust me now when I was so quick to believe what was written about us?

How could I let my history with Emily taint what I had with Madison? How could I think, even for a second, that the girl that I grew up next door to was capable of such vile betrayal?

What happens if she doesn’t forgive me? What if I cut her too deeply?

I have no way of knowing if she’ll ever forgive me or if I’ll ever be enough for her, but what I do know is that I’d crawl on hands and knees through broken glass for her just to hear me out.

It doesn’t take much introspection to know that I would’ve been right in this exact place even if I hadn’t gotten it all wrong. Even if Madison Kelly sold our story to the tabloids rather than her privacy being violated, I’d be driving to beg her to come back to me because I love the woman fiercely. Short of her hurting one of my kids, I think I could forgive just about anything.

Chapter 40


Of all the people my mother could’ve sent, she picks him.

I guess I should’ve known it’s who she would seek out. Neither my mom nor my dad have been very impressed with the little tiff, as they’ve called it more than once, that Chase and I have been having.

Lovers’ quarrel my mom told me just this morning.

It’s like they don’t care about Chase’s betrayal at all which is a complete one-eighty from the things they had to say about Sam when I came crawling back home months ago, after they drained their savings to bail me out of the trouble he put me through.

I’m starting to think it has more to do with city boy versus hometown hero, and that shit just won’t cut it.

I cross my arms over my chest as he climbs out of his vehicle and walks toward me, doing my best to ignore the flutter in my chest at the sight of him. It’s been over two weeks since I saw his face in person, and I hate the way it makes me feel. It weakens me, that little grin he can’t ever seem to fully hide.

I have to remind myself that he’s manipulative, that he can be exactly who a person needs in order to manipulate his way into getting what he wants.

My heart urges me to stand, to beg his forgiveness for things I didn’t do, but my head is slightly stronger right now even though I know it won’t last forever.

For his own safety, that glint of knowing that I may be reluctant at first but will eventually cave to his will is absent.

“Madison,” he says. Maybe if I weren’t irritated beyond measure and nearly feral in this heat, I might’ve caved just then with the sound of my name on his lips in that very same way he has whispered it countless times as he slid into my body.

Mom texted and told me help was on the way, but she suddenly was too busy to respond again when I asked her who she was sending. I’d hoped for Cash or even Walker, but of course I’d never get that lucky.

Instead of speaking when he approaches, he pulls a long piece of grass from the crack in the concrete and takes a seat on the opposite side of the picnic table I’ve been sweltering at for the last hour.

I should care that he’s sitting behind me, that I can no longer see his face, but I think it’s the best place for him. It prevents me from getting lost in his eyes.

Despite the heat, goosebumps pebble my flesh as I imagine his eyes rolling down my neck and over my exposed shoulders.

It makes me hate him even more, and I barely contain the growl at how easily this man can play my body.

“I talked to Adalynn today,” he begins.

I fight the urge to turn toward him like I was always told to do as a child.

“It shows respect,” my mother would tell me. “Don’t be rude.”

“I took the boys in for cupcakes. They were a little mad that you weren’t there. I can’t count how many times over the last couple of weeks I had to keep driving when we saw your car parked there.”

This confirms he’s been avoiding me as much as I’ve been avoiding him. The news cuts a little deeper than it should.

“They wanted to get your favorite cupcake. They’ve asked about you more times than I can count. I’m starting to think they like you more than they like me at this point.”

I clamp my lips between my teeth to keep from telling him that they should because he’s an awful person.

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