Page 44 of My Empire

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“Dominic?” I call again.

My steps echo through the house as I move cautiously, scanning for any signs of disturbance. The air is heavy with uncertainty, and the tension mounts with each passing moment. As I reach the bedroom, a sinking feeling sets in.

“Please, let him be okay,” I whisper to myself.

The bedroom is empty, devoid of any presence. The shadows of the criminal underworld seem to close in, urging me to unravel the enigma that has befallen Dominic.

His laptop, however, has been left behind, open. I walk over and log on. Immediately, a message pops up, a coded one, from back when we first joined the Syndicate Shadow and wanted to pretend we were spies. No one else knows this code.

As quickly as I can, I decipher the coded message. The pulsating urgency of each passing moment amplifies the gravity of the situation. Dominic has delved into the shadows to unearth a plot that threatens the very foundation I’ve tirelessly built.

My mind races, piecing together the fragments of information to comprehend the nature of the impending danger. A cold realization settles in. Dominic has become entangled in a web of perilous schemes.

“What have you uncovered, Dominic?” I mutter to myself.

The coded message speaks of a plot against me, an orchestrated threat designed to exploit vulnerabilities within my criminal empire. The intricate dance of secrecy and deception takes center stage, and I find myself caught in the crossfire of an unseen adversary.

Why hadn’t he told me all of this himself? Where is he?

A mix of frustration and concern wells up within me. Dominic, meticulous and strategic, wouldn’t have undertaken this investigation lightly. His absence now raises the stakes, painting a grim picture of the peril he might be facing.

Not sure what else to do, I grab my phone and call Dylan. The fate of my brother Dominic, entangled in a sinister plot, hangs in the balance, and every passing moment amplifies the threat.


“Dylan, we can’t waste any time,” I blurt out, desperation cutting through my words. “Dominic might be in serious trouble. I need you to use your connection with the mayor. Lean on the police, whatever it takes. We have to find him.”

“You don’t have to worry,” he says. “I’ll make calls. The mayor owes me a favor, and we’ll get every resource at our disposal. We’ll find Dominic.”

I should thank him, but I’m too frazzled to think properly, and I hang up, a mixture of fear and determination coursing through my veins. The shadows that once felt like allies now seem to close in, threatening to engulf Dominic in a perilous game. As I wait for the wheels of bureaucracy to turn, the minutes stretch into an agonizing tapestry of uncertainty, woven with threads of hope and dread.

The hunt for Dominic begins, and the intricate dance between power and vulnerability continues, with the stakes reaching new heights in the shadow-laden world I’ve meticulously crafted.

I can’t sit here and wait for someone else to save him. Dominic’s in neck-deep, and I’ll help save him.

I return to his laptop. There are other encrypted files, not in our special code, but I’m able to crack it easily enough. I should scold him about that, but first, I have to find him.

And then I forget about yelling at him as the un-coded messages reveal a sinister plot poised to shatter the sanctuary of The Black Lotus. Douglas Anderson is arranging for a drug deal to go down at The Black Lotus, but it’s not really a drug deal.

It’s bombs.

He plans on blowing up my casino.

The realization grips my heart in a vise, and a surge of adrenaline propels me into swift action.

Fingers flying over the keyboard, I decrypt more messages, needing to know what precisely is going on so I won’t walk into danger unaware. Each keystroke brings me one step closer to understanding the intricate web of danger closing in on my clandestine empire.

Time becomes an implacable adversary, urging me to thwart the impending catastrophe. My mind races as I piece together the fragments of information, trying to determine the specifics of the plan and identify the perpetrators. The safety of my associates, the sanctity of The Black Lotus, and the delicate balance of power I’ve maintained teeter on the edge of oblivion.

With every passing second, the urgency escalates. I need to act swiftly but prudently to untangle the threads of this perilous scheme and prevent the looming explosion that threatens to engulf not only my criminal haven but also the lives of those entwined in the intricate dance of shadows.

The pulsating urgency grips me as I extract crucial information from Dominic’s laptop, uncovering the shadowy lair of Douglas Anderson, the ominous drug dealer from Texas. The address materializes on the screen, a beacon guiding me through the impending darkness that threatens to envelop The Black Lotus.

The realization that Dominic has embarked on a perilous journey to confront the looming threat leaves a bitter taste in the air. Every calculated step I take could be the linchpin that eitherunravels the sinister plot or plunges my clandestine empire into chaos.

I memorize the address, the digital coordinates that lead to the epicenter of danger, and brace myself for the impending confrontation. The Black Lotus, my sanctuary, is at stake, but more importantly, so is the life of my brother, and with each passing moment, the line between protector and prey blurs. With unwavering resolve, I prepare to navigate the treacherous path ahead, a path paved with secrets, peril, and the unyielding determination to safeguard those who dwell in the shadows of my world.

I slam Dominic’s laptop shut and check my purse. I always have a gun on me, and it’s there, loaded and waiting.
