Page 119 of Bound in Darkness

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I think Dr. Lawson, her husband, has helped Chase in the brief time he’s seen him. Although Chase has nightmares and deals with the trauma on a daily basis, I feel like Dr. Lawson has given him tools that have helped Chase cope. Whereas my therapist seems to be a loss for ways to assist me.

Chase squeezes my hand, drawing my attention to the love and hope in his whiskey irises. “I have a good feeling about Dr. Lawson’s wife.”

My smile is genuine as I return the squeeze. “Me too.”

Emersyn Lawson is gorgeous, poised, and confident as she sits in a chair beside her husband wearing a pair of black trousers, a black top, and a red cardigan overtop. She’s thin, with long legs that look even longer in the pair of black heels on her feet.

Most of all, there’s a friendliness coupled with understanding in her blue eyes.

Dr. Lawson begins speaking. “I know this is a bit… unorthodox. But please forgive me for this, Chase; during our sessions, he expressed concern that you didn’t feel as though you were gaining much in the form of assistance during your current therapy sessions. Chase told him you confessed as much to him.”

I nod, squeezing Chase’s hand. Flashing Chase a reassuring smile, I turn to Dr. Lawson. “That is correct. You don’t need to apologize. I’m lucky to have someone who cares about me so much.” I squeeze Chase’s hand, and he whispers in my ear.

“Always, love. You have my whole heart. Forever.”

“Yes, you’re both fortunate.” Dr. Lawson smiles at us. “This is my wife, Mrs. Emersyn Lawson. I think with her background and experience, she may be able to help.”

Emersyn gives us a warm smile. “Hi, Chase. Mackenzie. You can call me Emersyn. Obviously, I’m married to this guy.” Her hand moves to his thigh, giving it a squeeze. Their heads turn in unison to look at one another and when their eyes lock and hold, they are in their own private world, the love they share evident.

I look at Chase, who is already looking at me, that same look on his face and in his eyes that I see in Liam’s every time his eyes move to Emersyn.

Our fingers interlock on my thigh before we turn our attention back to Emersyn. She’s looking at our joined hands, then up to our faces, a smile on hers. “My husband shared with me that you were both held captive by a cult. I’d like to share a bit about my credentials and experience working with survivors, like the two of you, before you share anything with me, if that’s alright?”

I nod, seeing Chase do the same from the corner of my eye. I like Emersyn already.

Once she’s finished speaking, I feel confident she can help me. “Is there any chance you’d be willing to be my therapist? I mean, I’m fine if your husband needs to be involved in some capacity as well, but… Dr. Wilkinson is very nice, but she’s admitted to me that she lacks experience counseling people like me.” I bit my lip, hating that I sound damaged when I say it that way. A victim that a counselor doesn’t know how to help.

Emersyn nods, her voice smooth and confident. “First, Mackenzie, I’d be happy to work with you. My husband would need to be involved in the sense that any medication prescribed would need to come from him, as I cannot do that yet. I’m taking classes at a university to earn my doctorate in psychiatry, just like my husband.” She smiles at him before turning back to me. “Second, please understand that Dr. Wilkinson may not have experience working with individuals like you, but I do. You’re not broken, damaged, or beyond repair, Mackenzie. You’re a survivor. Someone who experienced the darkness of humanity but lived to tell about it.” There’s a passing shadow over her eyes before she blinks, and it vanishes. “That makes you pretty badass, in my book.”

Gratitude washes over me, as well as a feeling of confidence that I’ve been lacking, especially in a therapist’s office. Emersyn makes me feel comfortable. She projects an air of competence that’s judgment-free. And I desperately need that right now.

“Thank you.” I heave out a breath, relief filling me. “I look forward to working with you.”

She smiles at me. “Likewise.” Glancing at Chase, then back to me, Emersyn says, “Do you feel comfortable telling me your story? Jointly.”

My eyes lock with Chase before we turn to Emersyn, nodding our consent.

“Are the two of you okay with Dr. Lawson being present for this?”

Again, Chase and I nod.

I take a breath, and on the release, I begin telling Emersyn my story.



Mackenzie’s small hand is wrapped around mine as we walk out of Dr. Lawson’s office. A small smile is on her lips and there’s a spring in her step I haven’t seen in quite a while. The last time I remember her looking like this was prior to captivity.

Hope shines on her face as she smiles up at me. “Thank you for mentioning my… um… situation to Dr. Lawson. I’m glad Emersyn introduced herself to us. I’m afraid to jinx myself, but I think she can help me.”

I push her against the wall, my hands cupping her face. “I’ll do anything to help you, angel. Always.” The surprise in her amber eyes makes me chuckle. “Sorry. I can’t resist you anymore. Seeing you so happy…” I duck my face beside her ear, nibbling on the shell of it. As my lips move down her throat, her rapidly pounding pulse beating beneath my lips, a groan escapes me. “You’re everything, Kenz.” Then my lips close around the skin of her neck, sucking on it. Marking her.

“Chase.” Her voice is a reverent whisper. She moves her hips against mine and a shuttering breath escapes me.

“You need to stop doing that. You’re making me crazy… I can’t fuck you here. Dr. Lawson and his wife won’t approve.”

She giggles as I reluctantly move my lips away from her neck, inhaling her sweet-smelling skin before I take a step back. My head is buzzing, the blood rushing beneath my veins. She’s an addiction I never want to quit.
