Page 139 of Bound in Darkness

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My hands clench into fists. “God, Brett, I want her more than anything in the world. But the thing is, our situations are different. How can I take her from her family at Christmas?”

Brett exchanges a look with Jeff. “I understand you’re trying to sacrifice what you want most for Mackenzie’s happiness.” Brett pauses. “But you also have to ask yourself: What does Mackenzie want? Are you so blinded by what you think she needs that you fail to consider that?”

His words roll through my head as I stand there, speechless yet again.

“All I can say is this. You’re both eighteen. You’re going to have people telling you what you should do. Sometimes those people impose their wants and beliefs on you. Adults can be just as selfish as eighteen-year-olds.” He stares at me, watching as I digest his words. “What do you actually want? If you want her and she wants you, that’s all that matters.”

He pats my shoulder. “I’ll see you later.”

Brett whistles as he walks away. He’s only taken a few steps before he spins around. “By the way, there’s a queen-sized bed in the basement. Just in case you end up with a roommate.” Brett winks before he turns around and heads to his car.

My eyes meet Jeff’s, standing beside me with a big smile on his face. His hands are shoved inside his jacket pocket, his head tilted as he analyzes my face. “My pop is a wise man.” Pivoting on his heel, he heads to the driver’s side, not saying anything else.

As I slide into the passenger seat, my head swims as I try to figure out the right thing to do. “Take me to Kenz’s house.”

Jeff starts his truck, then backs out of the parking space. “Are you gonna pack?”

I nod. “Yeah, I need to get some things.”

As Jeff turns onto the road that takes us to Mackenzie’s house, he turns to me, his brow raised. “Is one of those things Mackenzie?”

Shrugging, I heave out a sigh. “That’s a good question, Jeff. One I have no answer for right now.”

Anticipation and nervousness thrum through my veins as Jeff parks in front of Pearl’s car. Mike’s vehicle is gone. When he paid my bail, he mentioned that he had to run to the office for a bit. After hugging me, he promised to drop by the Graham’s house when he was finished.

The sadness and resignation lining his face nearly made me sob. I somehow held it together.

Licking my dry lips, I stare at the front door of the house. I haven’t seen Mackenzie in twenty-four hours, and I ache for her so damn much. That girl is imprinted on my fucking DNA. She owns my heart and soul.

My head slowly rolls to Jeff’s, a wry smile on my face. “Now that I’m a jailbird who must do community service, Pearl will really love me. Bet she’ll change her mind, saying I’m the perfect guy for her daughter.” Sarcasm drapes over every word as I roll my eyes. “Just wait until she finds out her husband posted bail and paid my fines. That should start World War III.”

Jeff chuckles. “I’m sure you’re right, jailbird.” He winks at me, indicating he’s teasing. “Why wouldn’t she want a juvenile delinquent as her son-in-law? Every mother wants their daughter to marry one.”

I chuck my empty water bottle at him. “Smart ass.”

Our heads turn back to the front door of the Collins house. We sit there in silence for several beats before Jeff says, “Have you decided what you’re going to do?”

My hand moves to the handle of the door. “Yes.” I push it open, my shoulders slumping as I get out of Jeff’s truck and close the door. As I start up the sidewalk, my heart hammering inside my chest, the door opens, and I see her.

Even with her hair up in a messy bun and her face pale and stained from tears, Mackenzie takes my breath away. Longing and need roll through my veins, my blood flowing faster as she steps outside, her feet bare.

Then she runs toward me, tears streaking her face, but her smile…Oh Christ, her smile. She leaps and I catch her, my arms wrapping around her so tightly I hear her squeak.

Burying my face in her hair, I breathe in the floral scent of her shampoo, and the scent of her apple-scented body wash and lotion goes straight to my groin. It’s a familiar scent that I smelled every morning whenever I showered after her. Memories swirl inside my head. Our first meeting. The way her cold, amber eyes flicked over me dismissively those first couple of months. The gradual shift where she started to relax, her walls lowering until they crumbled.

I don’t even realize I’m crying until I hear her say, “Chase? Are you okay?”

The concern in her voice makes it worse. I squeeze her tighter, my head buried in her hair, refusing to look at her as the internal battle wages inside me.You said you’d give her up. Don’t you remember how you felt that horrible Christmas when your father destroyed the tree and vanished? When all Elsie wanted was her family back and you couldn’t give it to her? You really want to put this woman, who you love more than you’ve ever loved anyone in your life, through that?

My spine slowly stiffens, resolve filling me.I have to do this. For her. Even if it fucking kills me.

I quickly wipe my tears and then pull back, transforming the expression on my face so it’s blank. “I’m out of jail, thankfully.” The smile I give her is weak as my grip loosens. She notices the change in my demeanor immediately, her happiness vanishing. My heart squeezes inside my chest, but she comes first. Always.

She tries to cling to me as I lower her to her feet, but I resist her efforts. “Where are your shoes? And your coat?”

Her hands go to her hips as she stares at me with furrowed brows. “Seriously, Chase? That’s what you say to me after being apart for twenty-four fucking miserably long hours?”

Her words lower my defenses.Come on, Chase. Pull it together. The memory of Elsie sobbing for our parents on the floor of that shabby mobile home crashes through my head, resolve filling me.I have to do this.
