Page 162 of Bound in Darkness

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“Please, Chase. You’ve certainly earned it. With everything you’ve been through in your life, then the captivity, followed by the uncomfortable situation my wife put you through…” His gaze falls to the floor as he swallows hard. There’s a pleading look in his eyes when they lift to mine. “It’d be honored if you’ll accept this offer.”

My chest tightens and my heart squeezes inside my chest from his generosity. Mike has treated me more like a son than my biological father, who I still have no idea if he’s dead or alive. No one has heard a word or spotted him anywhere since the day he beat me unconscious when I was sixteen and left.

Holding out my hand, moisture coats my eyes as Mike takes it. “I accept. Thank you.”

Mike nods. “Before you say a word, there is no paying me back. This is a gift I want you to have.” He looks over at Mackenzie, smiling at her. “I get the feeling you’ll have other uses for money you earn while working.” He turns to me with a wink, before looking back at Mackenzie. “As long as the two of you can find jobs willing to work around your schooling and it isn’t too stressful for you, I approve.”

Releasing his hand, I step closer, wrapping my arms around him. Tears flow down my face, and for once, I let them instead of holding them back. “Thank you for everything, Mike. Truly. Not just this, but paying for my counseling, my bail money, providing a roof over my head…” My voice cracks and I stop, unable to continue.

“You deserve it, Chase. You’re an amazing man.” Then he whispers in my ear so Mackenzie doesn’t overhear. “And I’d be proud to call you my future son-in-law.”

I squeeze him tighter. Before I’d ask Mackenzie to marry me, I’d formally obtain Mike’s permission. Of course, I have to come up with the money to buy her a ring first.

When we step back, Mackenzie throws herself into her father’s arms. “I love you, Dad. Thanks for everything.”

“You’re welcome, baby girl. I love you so much, and I’ll always do anything I can for you. You know that.”

She nods, squeezing him tightly. “I do. Thank you.”



It’s December 30 and I have a surprise for Mackenzie. The amusement park we went to over the summer has the park decorated with an array of Christmas lights. Some rides are operational, including the Ferris Wheel.

I refuse to tell her where we’re going, but I ensure she’s dressed warmly for the cold weather before I usher her out the door. “Wanna drive? I heard there’s a new café downtown and would like to check it out.”

Mackenzie bounces in her fur-lined boots, amber eyes dancing with excitement. “Yes.” Holding out a gloved hand for the keys, her smile lights up her face. “Let’s go.”

As I’m settling into the passenger seat and clicking my seatbelt, I look up at her. “Still want to take the test for your driver’s license in two weeks?”

After starting the vehicle and adjusting the mirrors, she rubs her gloves together. “Yes. I can’t wait to be an adult with the rest of you.” Pressing the button, she waits until the garage door is up before backing out.

I grin, knowing she’s referring to having her driver’s license like Jeff, Melody, and I do. “I’ll be quizzing you and taking you for lessons next week to make sure you’re ready and will pass on the first try.”

“I’m here for it.” Pressing the button, she closes the garage door and then backs onto the street. “Can we stop at the bookstore? There are a couple of novels I want. This time, I’m using my gift card.” She takes her eyes off the road long enough to shoot me a glare, making me chuckle.

Holding my hands up in surrender, I say, “That’s fine with me. Then we’ll go eat at the café.”

I hold the door open for Mackenzie and then step into the cozy café behind her. Our gloved hands interlock as we survey the quaint atmosphere. “How about we sit at that table in the back corner? Near the fireplace.”

“I was going to suggest that.” Pushing a lock of long blonde hair from her face, she smiles. “Let’s go.”

After removing our gloves and coats, we settle into our seats, and I grasp her hands between mine, my elbows resting on the table. “You look gorgeous, Kenz. As always.”

Pink tinges her cheeks as she ducks her head before her sparkling gaze returns to mine. “You always say the sweetest things. And you tell me that daily.”

My smile widens. “It’s true. I don’t lie to you.”

“I know. I don’t lie to you either, Chase.” She huffs out a breath, looking around before leaning closer. Lowering her voice, she says, “I know some people think you should love yourself before you can fall in love. But I disagree. You helped me to love myself when I didn’t particularly feel lovable. When I had doubts about myself, you refused to give up on me, and encouraged me, even when I was the enemy and acted like a bitch. You defended me, making me realize I was worth defending.” She blinks rapidly, moisture coating her eyes as they lock with mine. “I didn’t feel I belonged. After Gavin died, even my home felt foreign. Until you.”

Taking a breath, she exhales slowly. “The first time you held me in your arms, a peace I’d never felt before stole over me. Even in the hellish circumstances we were in while captive, the same feeling shot through me whenever you touched or held me. And I realized that maybe home is finding two arms that hold you at your best—and your worst. It’s finding someone who accepts all your flaws and traumas and doesn’t try to ‘fix’ you. Finding someone who teaches you that even when you go through the worst trauma, you can beyou. Conforming to society’s expectations of how you should act because you faced something horrific doesn’t mend you, and it’s disingenuous.” She pauses, licking her lips, concentration lining her face as she speaks the words straight from her big, beautiful heart. “You taught me that instead of being something I’m not, I could unapologetically be me. That facing trauma means I can laugh, cry, scream, and smile. When I was depressed or angry, you were simply there, not criticizing or telling me how I should be acting or that I should get over it. You taught me that whatever emotions I was feeling was the right thing for me, and I should embrace whatever it was. When it was negative emotions, I learned to embrace them until they passed. And the positive ones, I clung to as long as I could, because I wanted to be happy. I needed to feel joy after feeling despair for so long.”

Emotion wells up inside me, preventing me from speaking.

“Most importantly, you taught me that trauma doesn’t need to change me for the worse. It didn’t need to jade my view of the world and sour me so much that it changed me. While the trauma taught me to become more cautious, it didn’t mean I couldn’t trust again. I just had to learn who the right people were to believe in.” She looks around, ensuring we are still alone. “Because of you and all that you endured, I admired you for not being cynical or bitter. Even though I was a cold-hearted bitch to you when we first met, you decided you wanted to get to know me, no matter what. I was awful to you, but you kept giving me opportunities to get to know you. You defended me, even when I wasn’t worth defending.”

I open my mouth, but Mackenzie holds up her hand.

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