Page 71 of Bound in Darkness

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It will haunt me until the day I die.



Chase and I sit on the now all too familiar thin, smelly mattress. The silence stretches uncomfortably between us.

Orpheus bound our hands again, but not our ankles. He seems to have reasons for his psychological games, keeping us in a state of near-constant fear.

With a sigh, I get up from the mattress and head to one of the dirty attic windows. The iron bars on the outside ensure we won’t escape, although it seems unnecessary. From this high up, trying to climb out the window and down four floors to the ground on such a slick roof would mean certain death if we slipped.

I stare into the abyss of the massive forest surrounding the ancient, gothic-looking house, wondering where in the hell we are. I’m not even sure if we’re in the same state I grew up in.

My thoughts wander to my parents, who must be worried sick about us. The pang that jolts my heart makes my chest cave it.They’ve already been through so much. They don’t deserve this shit.My hand rubs over my aching heart, tears prickling my lids.

His strong body presses against my backside, always running a few degrees warmer than mine. I instantly sag against Chase’s familiar body. He’s the lifeline to my heart. An endless source of comfort when the skies are gray.

“What are you thinking?” His low voice is a gentle caress in my ear. A ray of hope in the darkest of nights.

“My parents.” A mournful sigh escapes my lips before I can squelch it. “They must be worried sick.”

“I’m sure they are. I’m certain they are doing everything they can to find us.”

His words hang in the air. They may very well be searching for a needle in a haystack right now. And by the time they find us, it may be too late.No, Kenz. Don’t think that.

I turn around, seeking the familiar comfort and adoration present in his eyes. “I know it’s selfish as hell, but I’m glad you’re here, Chase.”

A slight smile turns up the corners of his full lips. “We may be in hell, Kenz, but there’s nowhere else I’d rather be than here with you.”

I lean my forehead against his, a smile playing on my lips.

After a few minutes, he pulls back slightly, studying me. “I couldn’t help but notice the scarring on your knees and ankles…” Clearing his throat, he continues. “From the accident with your brother, right?”

I nod. “My legs were crushed under the dashboard during the head-on collision. I had fractures in several places between my feet and knees in both legs. I had to undergo multiple surgeries to fix the injuries and was immobile for months.”

“How are they doing now?”

I shrug. “They ache when it rains, but the panic attacks take precedence over my aching limbs.” I give him a grin before growing serious. “I worked my ass off to recover. Every time the doctors said I would not be able to do something because of the injuries to my legs, I was determined to prove them wrong. It was hard work to get to where I am now. I’ll never be able to run a marathon, but I can run several miles without pain, which is a miracle. At least, according to my doctors.”

Trying to give the illusion of some sense of normalcy, I poke him in the abs with my index finger. “I may not be able to run as fast as you, but I’d be willing to try.”

Chase gives me that lopsided smile that sends butterflies careening through my stomach. “I’d chase you to the ends of the earth.”

His words shouldn’t cause such a thrill inside my body, but they do. My panties are damp from the thoughts running through my head while the tempo of my heart speeds up.

“Challenge accepted.” A glint of determination sparks to life. I want to get the hell out of here and do normal things with Chase.

Rosario comes up the steps hours later, carrying a basket of dinner for us. My stomach rumbles at the sight, uncaring if it’s a simple sandwich and a piece of fruit. Any food would be heavenly right now.

Her demeanor is stiff and business-like, alerting me that the cameras are once again functional. I watch her graceful movements as she unpacks the basket on the small, broken table. “Were you a dancer?”

Rosario freezes. Her gaze remains on the table, head bowed. But the movement of her shoulders and back beneath her dress indicates her breathing is heavier.

Finally, she whispers, “Yes. At one time. I loved it but was only supposed to do it as part of the church rituals. And never with a member of the opposite sex.” Then she finishes her task, dismissing the topic.

My gaze latches and holds with Chase before my attention moves to her. I slowly move to my usual seat, watching her stiffen when I step into her personal space. “Thank you for telling me. You move so gracefully,” I whisper before sliding into my seat.

She stares at me a moment before stepping back. Chase makes his way over, sliding into his seat, and begins eating without acknowledging the conversation between Rosario and me. From my peripheral vision, she watches him. Eventually, her gaze flits to mine. I look away before she makes eye contact with me.
