Page 72 of Bound in Darkness

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Once we’re finished, she heads to the table, not waiting for us to get up, which is out of character for her. Her dark eyes meet mine through her veil. “Get some rest tonight. Tomorrow is another ritual.” Her voice is barely audible, my ears straining to catch what she’s saying while appearing as though I’m not paying her any attention.

She grabs the basket from the table, kneeling beside me as though she’s getting something from it. Her tone is barely audible as she says, “There will be guests.”

Then she stands, lifting the basket to the table, throwing our empty water bottles inside. I pretend to be unaffected by her words, but when my eyes lock with Chase, there’s concern in the depths of his irises. He heard what she said.

Dread fills me, turning my stomach to acid.What the hell does she mean by “There will be guests?”

I get up from the table, turning in the direction of the window I was staring out earlier. Rosario’s eyes lock and hold with mine. There’s a glimmer of warmth in them before they dropped to the basket.

My heart picks up its pace inside my chest. Although fragile, hope begins blossoming inside my weary soul, like the sun peeking from behind the clouds after a storm.

Is it possible Rosario is our ally?



I’m sitting on the stained mattress while Rosario takes Mackenzie down the steps to use the restroom. My thoughts continually drift back to Orpheus removing me from the attic and taking me to the basement to spar with Daemon.

A fanatical look was in his onyx eyes as he watched Daemon and I spar like he had ulterior motives for what he was doing. I noticed Daemon’s brows furrow a few times when he glanced at Orpheus as though he wondered the same thing.

I’m so lost in thought that I’m startled when I hear heavy footsteps coming up the attic steps. When Orpheus’s painted face appears at the top, my muscles tense, and I forget to breathe.

No, no, no. Not this shit again.

His smile is maniacal as he approaches, rubbing his leather-gloved hands together. He looks almost giddy, if such an emotion were possible for a raging psychopath.

“I have a proposition, boy.” He holds up one large, gloved hand the second I open my mouth, knowing I’m about to protest. “This is between the two of us. Choose wisely, and it could change your fate.”

Silently, I analyze him, my tired brain working a mile a minute.

“I’ve been watching you. You have the determination and loyalty of a warrior. There is great potential in you.”

What the fuck?My eyes narrow as I analyze his face.What game is this deranged fucker playing now?

He stands in front of me, large arms crossed over his chest. “I need someone with your strength and loyalty. I am displeased with my inner circle and the disloyalty a few of them have exhibited.” Those sinister, soulless eyes stare into my soul as though he’d like to suck it straight from my body. “They don’t realize I see through them.” You could hear a pin drop as we silently stare at one another. “I’m about to change the game.”

His words have the effect of a bomb dropping. Whatever he’s about to tell me next will be life-altering.

“If you agree to my terms and swear your absolute silence and loyalty, which includes not telling that girl you love so much, I will sparebothof you.”

I don’t say anything, waiting for the catch.

“I’m offering the chance for you to join the Divinity of the Chosen Ones. The girl would be the equivalent of your Rosario. No harm would come to her unless you so desire.”

Is this fucker on drugs?I feel certain the cult uses them, although I have no proof.

“What’s your game?”

His smile reminds me of the Grinch. I thoroughly expect to see maggots slithering between his long, pointed front incisors.

Orpheus holds his hands up in a placating gesture. “This isn’t a game. This is an offering. A chance to spare you and the girl youloveso much…” His lip pulls into a sneer as though he has no earthly idea what I see in Mackenzie.

Of course he’s incapable of seeing her light. He’ll never see the value in someone as pure and genuine as she is. She’s a rare diamond on this earth. A treasure worth immeasurable wealth in my eyes.

“And if I accept…” My words are careful. Measured. “Would Mackenzie and I be spared from the Halloween ritual?”

Orpheus nods. “You would attend, but instead of being my sacrifices, you would be inducted. Another sacrifice would take your place.”

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