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He’s blatant with his stare and it’s the most disconcerting thing on the planet. I can’t see his face. Just that shirt sleeve and the strong hand holding the glass. I have no idea who he is or what he looks like. There’s only a magnetic pull.

The blond man continues to leer.

This other one, the man in the shadows…he?—

I turn away.

He’s dangerous.

And I’m an idiot for acknowledging him. I tear my eyes away, forcing them to dart left and right, but I still don’t see my friend.

“I’ve been sent with a drink for you,” says a voice from behind me.

I spin around with a gasp. A man in a suit, handsome and maybe mid-forties, is there with an easy smile on his face, a sharp contrast to his predatory eyes. He holds out a glass.

“I’m Anton.”

His smile says trust me. His eyes warn me to run. “Um, I don’t think?—”

“Ivy, right? Cara sent me.”

A slow breath expels from my lungs. I’m overreacting. He knows my name and Cara’s, so I take the drink.

“Did she say if she’d be long?” I ask.

“It’s Cara, could be a minute or twenty.” For some reason the way he says it makes me relax a little. I don’t like his eyes, but his smile gets a little easier, because he definitely knows her. “She said to wait over there.” He points to a corner near the door. “I can keep you company if you like?”

I’m not sure what to do, so I nod and follow him.

I’ll still be in the room, and I can see the bar.

As we cross the room, my gaze shifts over to that dark section where the man—whose face I still can’t see—is. But he’s gone, and now the blond man is tucked away in that corner with a woman.

I’m about to ask Anton how he knows Cara when all hell breaks loose.

Screams, shouts, and panic fill the air. Lights flash and blink.

“Oh, my God. Someone call an ambulance!”

“Shit.” Anton grabs my arm, and before I realize what’s happened, he drags me out the door.

He’s strong. His fingers bite into my flesh and I struggle against his grip but can’t pull free. The cries for help rise into a cacophony, made worse by the low-key music coming to a stop like a record-scratch sound effect.

The sea of people carries me and Anton down the stairs and into the cool night air. My ears ring from the bleeping and blaring of traffic and sirens.

Anton holds me tight against him. A whiff of his cologne wafts under my nose and the scent makes my stomach roil. I choke on a gasp when he makes a sharp turn around the corner of a brick building. He drags me into an alley, then slams me against a sleek black car.

“You’re gorgeous when you’re scared,” he says, pushing up against me. A shocked breath pushes out of my lungs. “That’s good. I like girls who are scared. Begging. Naked. Bleeding. I’ll take you up the ass first. I bet it’s tight. And then, I’m going to fuck that sweet pussy. Your friend?—”

“Get the fuck off her.”

The cool, dark voice holds ice and command. It threatens, cutting through the wild terror flooding me.

Before Anton can say a word, a fist connects with his face and he goes down to the ground like a bag of cement. Before I can open my mouth to scream, I’m shoved into the backseat of the car. A man comes and stands in front of the open door, blocking my escape.

The man who watched me from the shadows.

I don’t know how I know it’s him, but I do. My blood bubbles, the thrum of electricity gets stronger.
