Page 74 of Sinister Lies

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She turned around, and I couldn’t help but drag my teeth across my bottom lip at the view of her luscious ass swaying in the plaid skirt she wore. She was so beautiful. So perfect.


Ginger turned to face me then lifted herself up on the edge of the table. My cock twitched as she leaned back on her elbows and spread her legs wide in a perfect Chinese split. I could already see her arousal glistening through the threads of her black, lacy panties.


I was on her in an instant, tearing her panties clean off and burying my face into her pussy, my tongue ravishing her clit. Ginger moaned softly then reached down to grab a fistful of my hair. Her cries grew louder as she needily ground her pussy against my tongue.

“I’m gonna cum, Finn,” her breath shook in a low cry. “Fuck, baby,yes.”

I kept going, sucking and licking all over her swollen clit. She mewled even louder and ground her hips faster.

“That’s it. Fuck, that’s it!”

She shattered, cumming so hard her legs were violently shaking. When she tried to crawl away, I didn’t let her. I grabbed her thighs and continued to eat until she was a screaming, boneless mess.

I rose to my feet, not giving her time to recover before I had her on her feet and bent over the table, moaning again as my cock pushed deep inside her tight, soaked cunt.

“I love you,” she whispered through a shuddered breath.

“I love you, too, baby.”

And then I fucked her with so much brute force to leave her physically crippled for a fucking month.



IgotupTuesdaymorning, wishing I could spend another day wasting away in my bedroom, not giving two shits about my classes, the Ravagers, nothing. Life has been such a fucking nightmare lately, but I couldn’t keep hiding away and staying pissed off at the world forever. I’d have to facethemeventually.

My body was sore, and it still hurt to breathe thanks to the nasty bruises on my chest and collarbone. I thought about going to see the school nurse yesterday for some pain meds, but I knew the instant she laid eyes on the damage, she’d have shipped my ass out special delivery in an ambulance, so I chickened out. Besides, I despised hospitals, and the last time I was in one was back when I’d gotten shot.Fuck that.Unless I was literally dying, I was staying put. I’d have to find some way to manage the pain on my own like last time.

I finished throwing on my uniform, grunting through the pain, and winced as I sat down on my bed to slide on these ludicrous heels. I wanted to be long gone by the time Sky could finish showering. I was not in the mood to put up with her and her pissy ass attitude this morning, or at all, really.

I knew she was angry with me, but I’d box her in the face if she didn’t get her head out of her ass, and soon. Brian was truly to blame here. Not me and not even the Ravagers. None of this would’ve happened if the abusive fuck had kept his hands to himself.

Snatching up my backpack, I tenderly threw it over my shoulder and walked out my bedroom, catching a small glimpse of Sky coming out her bathroom as I rushed to shut the front door behind me. The grumbling in my stomach had my feet guiding me to the elevators and down to the dining hall. Hot Pockets and those disgustingly cheap microwave meals I’d been forcing myself to eat for the last three days weren’t cutting it anymore.

I walked in, the delicious scent of bacon making my mouth salivate like a starving dog. I was the first student to arrive, and I couldn’t help but excitedly watch and lick my lips as the staff finished unloading the last of the breakfast pans.

I swiped a tray, loading bacon, eggs, grits, and a few fluffy biscuits on top of it. The pre-made fruit and yogurt bowls with the little baggies of granola toppings were at the end of the food bar. I grabbed one then swiped two bottles of OJ before plopping down at the table behind me.

I dug in, clearing about half the tray when I decided to reach for my phone, finding no new messages from Finn, Jace, or Damien. Last time I’d talked to Damien and Jace was on Sunday, when I delivered the news about the trial. I didn’t relay all the dirty details, just that I was moving on to the second. I still hadn’t a clue whenever the hell that would be.

I tapped Jace’s name, giving it some thought before sighing and dropping the phone down on the table.I missed him, so fucking much it hurt. Jace had told me that he and Finn still had a lot stacked on their plates with Damien, and that it would be harder now trying to fit in any extra time to talk or sneak away for a personal meeting. All I wanted was to hear his voice. To see him again. To kiss and hold onto him and never fucking let go.

“You actually showed your face today.”

My gaze darted up, and I blinked impassively at Kinsley Sinclair as she stood in front of me holding barely half a tray of food, her hair up and makeup perfectly applied, a simper on her glossed lips. From the corner of my eye, I could see other students starting to pile in. Kinsley took it upon herself to sit down and engage me further.

“Uh, what are you doing?” I asked, gaping at her like she was lost.

“Checking in on you.”

“Friendscheck in on friends. Last I checked, we weren’t, remember?”

“Oh, I remember,” she said, flashing me a humble smile. “I’m just glad that you do too.”

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