Page 32 of Mistaken Desire

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“That’s unbelievable,” I comment hesitantly. “So, now they have safeguards in place to prevent this from happening, I guess?”

“Yes, that’s why they have us sign NDAs now. It’s why we can’t take certain work home with us. It’s why the files are on a separate secure site. Jake isn’t going to risk the company like that again. He’s still not happy the woman got away with barely a slap on the wrist.” She looks thoughtful for a moment. “Actually, I’m surprised that Jake gave you access to this file, come to think of it. He must really trust you. I didn’t think he’d start giving you access to the sensitive contracts so soon.”

The more Liz talks, the more miserable and guilt-ridden I feel. If I go through with this, what will Jake do? My head is starting to hurt. I need to get out of here. I rise from my seat to leave. But then I noticed Liz’s drawn face.

“Liz, is everything okay?” I was so consumed with my own problems that I hadn’t really paid attention to Liz. She has dark circles under her eyes and looks exhausted. Her usual impeccable bun has been replaced by disheveled hair, hastily tied back in a low ponytail. Most days, she wears contacts. But today, she is wearing her glasses. Not to mention she’s made minimal eye contact since I came in. I hate to pry, but something isn’t right.

“I’m fine. Just tired. I haven’t been sleeping well,” she confesses wryly.

It’s difficult to tell if she is telling the truth. I don’t want to pry, but I’m worried about her. In addition to her appearance, her normal exuberanceseems to be missing. Maybe she is tired, or maybe she is coming down with a cold. Flu season is wrapping up, but it’s possible that she may have caught a bug.

“Is the new job too much?” I ask her.

“Oh no, the job is great. Honestly, compared to working with Jake, it’s a piece of cake. I get out of here by five almost every day, no travel, no weekends. I can’t complain about the job at all. Seriously, I just need to get to bed earlier, and I will feel one hundred present better,” she insists. “I’m staying up too late watching those late-night talk shows.”

“You know, you can record them and watch them later,” I joke.

“Maybe I’ll try that. Listen, let’s have lunch soon, okay? I want to catch up and hear what you think about working for Jake.”

Taking the hint, I allow her to change the subject. But I don’t really feel good about leaving like this. Something is wrong. I can sense it.

“Lunch would be great. Jake keeps me so busy that I usually don’t get out during the day. I would love a girls’ lunch. I’ll text you.”

“Sounds good. But, hey, Lana. Please remember to shred that document.”

“Of course. Doing it right now. Thanks again.”

Once out of her office, I sag my body against the wall. I despise lying.

Returning to my office, I rub my arms to get rid of the goosebumps. Either the room is freezing, or it’s my frigid heart that’s making me feel cold. Only a terrible person would lie to Liz like that. Only a terrible person would be planning to steal these documents. But it doesn’t matter. The documents are now in my bag, and that’s where they are staying for now. It’s been another emotionally exhausting day, and the stress of acting like nothing is wrong is becoming too much. Hopefully, Jakewon’t mind my leaving the office a few minutes early. It’s almost five o’clock anyway.

My hand is on the door handle to our adjoining offices. But then I remembered what happened when I opened the door without knocking last time. Amanda and the phone call. That’s a mistake that won’t be repeated.

“Come in,” Jake responds to my knock.

“Mr. Anders, I wanted to…”

“Oh, don’t start that Mr. Anders shit again,” he interrupts. “If you call me that again, I’m going to get really pissed off.”

“Okay, fine,Jake,” I snap. “I just wanted to let you know I’m taking off a few minutes early. Do you need anything before I go?”

He arches his eyebrow at me. “Hot date?” he asks sarcastically.

“You know that I have a date. But that’s not why I’m leaving. I just have a headache,” I admit tiredly.

For a moment, he looks as though he doesn’t believe me. Then, he seems to take a closer look. “You’ve never asked to leave early before. Are you sure you’re okay? I can have Liz bring over some headache medicine.” He stands up and comes to the doorway. He touches the back of his hand to my forehead, concern lining his forehead.

Touched by his attention, I intuitively lean into his hand and close my eyes. Realizing what I’m doing, I step back just as he removes his hand.

“No, I’m fine, really. Just need a little rest.”

“Well, you don’t feel warm. Hopefully, you aren’t coming down with something. Of course, take off and get some rest.”

Traffic is a nightmare. One of the downsides of always being broke is that the only affordable places to live are outside of the city. With the salary that I earn now, I could probably afford to move somewherecloser. Unfortunately, this is a temporary situation and is most definitely a temporary job. I wasn’t lying to Jake about the headache. By the time I get home over an hour later, the minor headache has progressed to major head pain.

Dominic will be coming later. Luckily, that gives me time to lie down for a bit. If I were to text him to try and cancel, he’d probably just show up anyway. I’ve put him off too long.

Jess takes one look at me when I get into the door and tells me to go lie down. She comes in with some pain relievers and water and insists that I take a nap before Dominic gets here. After promising to wake me in time to get ready, she turns off the light and closes the door: my roommate, the mother hen. There’s no time for sleep, but I can at least close my eyes for a few minutes.
