Page 37 of Mistaken Desire

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Dax pushes away from the doorframe. He decides to make himself comfortable by sitting in the chair across from my desk. He fluffs the pillows behind him and wiggles a bit to get a good position. He crosses his arms across his chest and crosses one ankle over the opposite knee. It looks like he’s planning to stay awhile. I might as well make conversation with him since he’s apparently not going anywhere.

“I was wondering if I was ever going to meet you,” I say. “Jake has talked about you several times. Said you work too much and that you probably wouldn’t make your way over here very often.”

“Funny, but Jake hasn’t said much about you at all. I’m beginning to wonder if he’s hiding you in here for a reason.” He arches his brow questioningly. He seems to have a habit of doing that. “He probably wants to keep you all to himself. I can see why,” he says with a very flirtatious tone.

“Oh, you mean because I’m such a wonderful executive assistant?” I challenge him to contradict me.

“Yes, that’s exactly what I meant,” he says playfully. “And also because he’s probably afraid the men in the office won’t be able to concentrate with you nearby.”

What a flirt! I bet he thinks that cute, little suggestive half smile will send my heart all aflutter. He’s probably used to getting his way with all of the women. Too bad it won’t work with this one!

“Nah, he just likes to keep me locked up in here with gobs of work. Speaking of, I have quite a bit to get done.” I gesture to my desk, hoping that he takes the hint.

“Work can wait. Jake won’t mind. How about you go out with me for drinks? I know a place close by, and it’s quitting time.”

“You think Jake won’t mind if I don’t get this work done?” I repeat. “You must know a different Jake than I do. I can’t, but thanks for the invite.”

Oh my gosh, now he is actually putting on a pouty face. I actually laugh out loud. Instead of taking offense, he belts out a loud laugh, too.

“Okay, so that won’t work on you. How about if I say please?”

“Jake has made it pretty clear that he doesn’t like employees dating. I don’t think he’d like me going out with you.”

Dax holds up both hands in mock surrender. “Woah, woah. You’re moving too fast for me. Who said this was a date?” he jokes. “I just said drinks. None of that crazy date stuff. If you want, we can spend the entire time making fun of Jake.”

“Tempting, but no,” I say sternly.

“You don’t look very tempted. I think you’re trying to save my feelings.”

“I’m sure your heart is breaking at my refusal.”

I swear the room gets brighter from the sheer wattage of his smile. Boy, he can turn on the charm. Too bad I’m immune to it. Though Dax and Jake have many similarities, Dax doesn’t make my heart race. But he certainly is cute and funny.

“You know, I think I kinda like you. But now, seriously. Let’s go for drinks. I’ll stop flirting, I promise. Cross my heart. I just think it will tick off Jake if we go out together, and that would kinda make my day.”

“Tell you what, let’s do a rain check? I really can’t go today. And I’m not so sure I want to make Jake mad. I’m the one who has to work with him.”

“Good point, good point.”

“Plus, I’m pretty sure it’s impossible for you to stopflirting.”

“Another good point! But I can try,” he says sheepishly.

All I can do is laugh at Dax. He is incorrigible but harmless. I bet he’s a fun guy at parties. And I might just go out for drinks with him one day. Maybe. I have zero interest in him romantically, even if he is handsome. Too handsome. And he knows it.

Would Jake really be mad if I went out with Dax, I wonder? And why should I care if he does get mad? There is nothing wrong with going out casually with a coworker after work. Jake doesn’t control me.

Except that particular coworker happens to be part owner of the company. How did that fact escape me until just now?

And why do I keep forgetting my role in this company? I’m here temporarily. I keep moving along each day as though I will be here forever, like this is a real job for me. But it’s not. Now that I’ve decided that my uncle is on his own, I probably need to look for a new job. I got this job on false pretenses, and eventually, someone is going to figure it out. Instead, I’m here making out with the boss and flirting with his brother. The list of all the mistakes I’ve made goes on and on.

But there’s one mistake that I won’t make. I won’t go behind Jake’s back any longer and continue to lie to him.

I am glad that Dax stopped by, because he provides some relief from the thoughts that have been swirling in my head, paralyzing me from taking action. Once he leaves, though, the thoughts weigh me down again.

I think it’s time to get myself out of this mess. I can’t keep doing this to myself, and I can’t keep deceiving everyone. I will talk to Jake and tell him as much of the truth as possible.

My cell phone beeps to let me know I’ve received a text. It’s from Jake. Just thinking of him makes my lips involuntarily move upward in a smile.
