Page 44 of Mistaken Desire

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After our dinner, I start a fire in the electric fireplace. Even though it’s spring, there is still a bit of coolness in the air. There is just something soothing and comforting about a fire crackling while being cozied up with a woman under a blanket together. I pour us another glass of wine, and we cuddle together on the couch. My arm is around Lana, and she is resting her head against the side of my chest.

I can’t remember ever wanting to just sit and stare at a fire like this. There is no music playing, no TV, nothing to disturb the quiet of the night. Just me and Lana. She is lazily drawing designs on my chest with her finger. I’m not even sure that she is aware of what she is doing. She seems lost in thought, and I want to ask her what she is thinking. Though we’ve had an obvious attraction to each other from the time we met, I’ve never had the opportunity to really get to know her. She’s never been one to talk about herself, unlike so many women I’ve dated.

I’m reluctant to disturb the silence. But I also really want to hear her sweet voice.

“I’m glad you decided to stay with me.”

Her hand stills on my chest for a moment before moving again. Then she says sleepily, “Me too. I’m too lazy and relaxed to leave now anyway.”

“You aren’t going to fall asleep on me, are you? Am I that boring?”

She giggles softly and then pinches my side. “You wore me out, then fed me, then gave me wine. Now you want me to entertain you?”

“I just don’t want this perfect night to end.” I cringe at the words that slip out. Even though it’s true, I’m not ready to be so vulnerable with her. I get the feeling that Lana could easily run away. She has fought this attraction between us from the start, and I know she has no intention of continuing any relationship with me. She is under the mistaken impression that tomorrow we will go back to the way things were before.

She’s a million percent wrong if that’s what she thinks.

My thoughts are interrupted by her soft sigh. “I don’t want it to end either.”

I kiss the top of her head and breathe in the sweet floral smell of her shampoo. No, things are definitely not going back to the way they were before.

Later that night in bed, I reach for Lana again, my arms drawing her in. She makes a soft murmuring sound and snuggles closer to me, her head resting on my chest. The scent of her fills me. Her hands sleepily slide up my thigh, making my breath catch. Desire rolls through me in waves, increasing each time she sighs or moves.

She sleeps peacefully, unaware of what she is doing to me. I know she is exhausted and worn out from our time together earlier this evening. No way would I wake her up, though the temptation is growing stronger. Just having her near has to be enough for now.

Tenderness rolls through me when I think of having her with me tonight. I don’t know what possessed me to practically beg her to stay the night, but I’m glad I did. When Amanda and I were together, she would occasionally stay the night. But it was more for convenience rather than some great desire to keep her with me. With Lana, I almost feel desperate to convince her to stay with me. The desire to hold her, to be with her, is like a siren’s song, drawing me in.

Lana stirs against me once more and breathes softly into my chest. Her eyelids flutter open, and she gazes at me in confusion.

“Jake? Is it morning already?”

“No, baby, go back to sleep.” I kiss her forehead as she closes her eyes and wraps her legs around mine. As she drifts back off to sleep, I look at her tenderly. This beautiful woman has me wrapped completely around her finger.

Chapter Fourteen


I wake up in a haze of confusion as I realize I am not alone. Slowly, I realize that I’m still in Jake’s bed, and his hard body is next to me. My limbs are entwined in his while he snores softly, his chest moving up and down.

My mind is in rapid motion as I try to figure out how to get out of his bed and out of his apartment without him noticing. I can only hope that he is a sound sleeper. I test it by trying to move my legs a little, but his breathing pauses as though he senses my movement. I go statue-still, hoping he goes back to sleep.

Being in his room is surreal, almost like a dream. Except my dreams could never compare to the reality of what happened here last night. I don’t want to analyze the unnamed emotions that I’m feeling as I lie next to Jake.

When his breathing resumes, I try again and am able to successfully remove my legs from around him. I turn my body so that I canprepare to shimmy my way out of his bed. Just as I am scooching toward the edge, a strong arm snakes out and pulls me back. Jake pulls me tightly to him and nuzzles my neck.

“Good morning, beautiful. I’m going to pretend that you weren’t just trying to sneak out of my bed,” he says sleepily.

“Of course not,” I lie. “I just wanted to let you sleep in.”

“There’s something else I’d rather do than sleep in.” He continues to nuzzle and kiss my neck and ear, sending shivers down my spine.

“Jake, no. Last night was great, more than great, but I need to get home.”

“It’s Saturday; you don’t need to get home. Stay with me. Let’s have breakfast together. No need to hurry out so fast.”

It’s hard to concentrate when he is talking to me and kissing my collarbone at the same time. His warm body is cuddling mine, and it feels incredible as he spoons me from behind. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to have breakfast with him. It’s just a meal. No cuddling, no sex. One meal, and I’m out of here. I feel myself relenting, my resolve to put distance between us weakening.

He crushes me against him tighter. He lays kisses on my shoulders, and his cock is straining against me. Feeling his hard body at my back, I know I need to get out of this bed.
