Page 45 of Mistaken Desire

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“Fine, we can have breakfast together, but I have to go after that. First, though, I need to use my phone.”

I feel his body stiffen behind me. “Who do you need to call so early?”

I wonder at the undercurrent I hear in his voice. I can’t see his face, but I could swear he sounds angry.

“I’m not calling anyone. I just need to send a text. I’ll be quick. Then we can eat. I’m starved.”

“Do you really think I’m going to let you leave my bed to text your boyfriend? If I didn’t please you enough last night, just let me know, and I’ll fix that.” He pulls me tightly against him so I can feel his rock-hard erection. “I was trying to let you rest, but if you need more, I’m more than happy to oblige.”

“I’m not calling Dominic. But even if I were, it’s none of your business,” I say, not trying to hide my exasperation.

“Oh, it’s my business now. Maybe you forgot what we did here last night in my bed or on my kitchen counter,” he pauses. “Actually, now that I think about it, I’ve changed my mind. Let’s go call Dominic,” he says smoothly.

“Don’t be an ass.”

“No, really, we should go call him. He needs to know where his girlfriend slept last night. You’re going to break up with him anyway. Might as well do it now rather than let the poor guy hang on like this.”

“Who said that I’m his girlfriend? And who said I’m going to break up with him?”

“Oh, I say. And your body last night said so, too.” He boasts. “Besides, you should understand that I don’t share.”

I flop over and remove his arms from around me. I look up into his smug face. He really thinks he has this all figured out.

“I’m going to ignore that for now,” I say, forcing irritation into my voice. “For your information, I was going to text my roommate, Jess. I’m not in the habit of staying out all night like this. She’ll be worried if she wakes up and I’m not home.”

If I’m not mistaken, I swear I see relief light his eyes. I hate that I’m lying to him about dating Dominic. And honestly, I don’t know why I am keeping the charade going. Now that Jake and I have slept together,I owe it to him to be honest. I’m not hiding it because I want Jake to be jealous. But part of me is reluctant to reveal that I’m not dating him, and I’m not sure why.

“Are you saying that you aren’t in the habit of staying at Dominic’s place overnight?” he asks.

“None. Of. Your. Business,” I grind out through clenched teeth. I sit up and bound out of Jake’s bed. I need to get away from this infuriating man.

I grab my phone. Three missed calls and a dozen texts from Jess. She’s gonna be pissed that I didn’t answer my phone last night. So I send Jess a quick text.

Sorry! Had my ringer off. At Jake’s place. All is good.



Can’t talk now. Be home soon.

As I hit send on the text, strong arms wrap around me from behind. Jake presses a kiss next to my ear. “You sent your text. Now let’s get back to bed. I find myself needing a little more… relaxation.” His warm breath and honey-sweet tone in my ear send vibrations down my spine.

Hours later, Jake is finally able to keep his hands off me long enough that I am able to take a shower. As I step out of the en suite wearing Jake’s robe, I see a pretty floral sundress and sandals laid out for me on Jake’s bed. I pick it up and notice the label. It’s a well-known, high-end brand, one I’ve never been able to afford. I feel almost guilty as I slip it over my head and feel the softness of the material against my warm skin. Jake musthave had this ordered and sent up this morning. Oh, how nice to be able to snap your fingers and have your needs and wants immediately met.

I smell coffee coming from the kitchen, and my stomach rumbles. When I tentatively open the doors, I see that there is a full breakfast laid out on the table. Jake is leaning up against the kitchen counter, sipping his coffee, and browsing on his phone.

His eyes light up when he lifts his head and sees me. “Hey there, I ordered us some breakfast. Thought you might be hungry.”

For some reason, I’m feeling inexplicably shy and find it hard to meet his eyes. The last fifteen hours have been incredible. But now, in the light of day, I can’t believe what I’ve done. And with whom I’ve done it. I’m not a one-night-stand kind of girl.

I have a seat at the breakfast table without responding. Jake brings me coffee. It’s already made, just the way I like it, with a little sugar and a lot of cream. I’m shocked to see that he’s paid attention to little details like that.

“I hope you like the dress.”

Still unsure of what to say in this type of situation, I take a minute to respond. I see his face fall in my silence. “It’s okay. We can get something else brought up. I just thought you’d want a clean change of clothing.”

“No, it’s not that. I love the dress. I’m just not used to all of this attention. And this dress probably costs a month of my salary.”
