Page 48 of Mistaken Desire

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“Tell me what to do,” I plead with her.

“I wish I could,” she says with empathy in her voice.

As we are talking, I peek into the bedroom. No sound is coming from the bathroom. Jake must be done with his shower.

“Oh, shoot, I just realized that the shower is off. I gotta go.”

“Wait, when will you be home?” Jessica asks.

“No idea. He has the entire day planned out. I have to go!” I reiterate.

“Wait, what areyou gonna tell him?”

“No idea!”

All I hear is “Oh boy” as I hang up.

The seed of thought has been planted. Can I get away with not telling him and hope he never finds out? My thoughts are interrupted when he comes out of the bedroom. The fresh scent of his soap wafts over to me, and I feel a slight tingle inside.

“The car service just texted me. They’re here and waiting. Are you ready to go?” he asks.

“I wish you’d tell me where you are taking me, but yes, I’m ready.”

He walks over to me and kisses me lightly on the nose. “You’ll find out right now.” He takes my hand, and we go out to the waiting car.

As Jake helps me into the car, he squeezes my hand. I look back at him and see his eyes glowing with affection, all directed at me. My heart does a funny flip-flop.

The realization hits me like bricks to my body. I’m already half in love with this guy. And no, there’s no way I can ever tell him that I intended to deceive him.

Chapter Fifteen


I float into work on Tuesday, my feet not touching the ground. My mind can barely wrap around what happened over the weekend. It’s surreal thinking about it.

Saturday started with us driving over the Hudson River into New Jersey. It seemed like any other day with Jake until we pulled up to a row of white buildings nestled amongst the green trees. There were several private jets parked along the asphalt. At that moment, my mind started spinning. I knew Jake was wealthy, but I didn’t think he wasI have my own private jetwealthy. He parked his car in front of a waiting jet, exited the vehicle, and quickly walked around the car to open my door. I stepped out of the car and was immediately struck by the impressiveness of the plane. Jake approached me and took my hand, leading me toward the jet. A freaking private jet! If he meant to impress me, it worked.

“Are you ready for an adventure?” he had asked, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

I nodded, feeling a thrill of excitement and possibly some panic surge through me. This was not what I had expected when Jake had asked me to spend the day with him. But I was game for anything.

We climbed aboard the jet, and I couldn’t help but gasp at the opulence inside. Plush leather seats lined the interior. A small, stocked bar and a galley were right behind where the pilots sat. A cheerful flight attendant handed us a menu with various drinks and snacks.

“Um, Jake, what exactly are we doing here?” I asked. He just shrugged his shoulders.

He refused to tell me where we were going until I looked down an hour into the flight and saw the magnificent site of Niagara Falls out the window. When we landed, we checked into an elegant hotel. The lobby had impressive chandeliers reflecting the sunlight’s sparkle on the wall. Our penthouse suite had floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the majestic waterfalls. We spent the rest of the day wandering around Niagara Falls State Park, where we stood close together and watched the beautiful power rush over the American and Bridal Veil waterfalls. We held hands. We kissed. We hugged. And I felt things that I’ve never felt for anyone in my life.

I remember when we first arrived at the waterfalls. He walked up behind me, wrapped his tall, hard body around mine, and held me close in his strong arms. He said into my ear, “As beautiful as this is, it doesn’t take my breath away like you do.” I’m pretty sure I turned to soggy mush at that point.

And when we went to the hotel that night, we made love. The sweetest, most passionate, incredible lovemaking that I’ve ever experienced. He was gentle, giving, and caring. And with each minute that passed, I felt myself falling for him.

I keep telling myself I must keep my heart intact for when this whole thing explodes. Nothing good ever lasts. But I ignore the warnings that my brain is telling me. The heart wants what the heart wants, and right now, it wants Jake. Every time I think of him, I get warm and fuzzy inside. The last few days have been perfect, magical. What started as simple physical attraction has grown to be so much more. But certainly not love. Not yet.

Over the weekend, Jake and I studiously ignored any topic related to work. Neither of us wanted to discuss how to handle this very new relationship.

If I think about it too hard, it feels like we are standing on a precarious cliff. Just one foot too far, and down we go. We work together. He’s my boss.

And today is the first day back at the office.
