Page 53 of Mistaken Desire

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She’s right. I hadn’t thought that far ahead. And I don’t have a clue what I will do.

Groaning, I tell her, “I think it’s time for a night of pizza, alcohol, andPretty Woman.”

“Yesssssss, girl,” she squeals as she wraps her hand around her now barely warm coffee cup. “It’s a date.”

Chapter Sixteen


Meeting Lana at the coffee shop may not have been as serendipitous as I made it out to be. I might have possibly overheard Liz asking Lana if she was free for lunch when she stopped in earlier. And I may have possibly heard Lana say that she already had plans to meet a friend for coffee.

I assumed that she was referring to me but couldn’t come out and say that to Liz. When lunchtime came around, and Lana jumped up and announced that she was going out for lunch, I realized she had no plans to invite me.

I’ve never been a jealous man. And I’m not jealous now. Just curious.

Who was she meeting? After the weekend we just had, there’s no way it could have been Dominic that she was meeting.

No way.

Since it wasn’t jealousy, of course, just curiosity, that made it okay for me to check it out. It was a logical assumption that she’d be at the coffeeshop nearest to the office, the one we frequent. And wasn’t I feeling a bit thirsty?

I wasn’t stalking her. I just needed coffee.

I hate the feeling of instant relief that I felt when I saw her sitting with a woman.

Whether Lana wants to or not, we are going to have a discussion about Dominic. She is going to break up with him. The possessiveness that I feel toward Lana isn’t going away.

And I’m not in the habit of sharing.

I will let her think she has a choice—me or Dominic.

But she doesn’t have a choice.

Lana should be back any minute, and I catch myself listening for the sounds of her heels clicking down the hall. We are supposed to be meeting with Dax and Liz to go over some numbers on a deal we are working on.

My straining ears finally hear the sound I’ve been waiting for. Lana is coming back to the office. I hear her put her bag into her desk drawer. As she makes her way over to our connecting door, I meet her there. She closes the door as she comes in.

“There wasn’t anything on the calendar. Who are we meeting?” she asks, eyebrows raised in question as she notices how close I’m standing.

“We are meeting Liz and my brother Dax. Liz gave me a message for you. Told me to tell you that you were right, whatever that means. She said she’s bringing the proof.”

“She is? Okay, wow.”

“What’s this about?” I ask.

“You’ll find out,” she says cryptically.

As much as I am enjoying the conversation with Lana, I’m more interested in other things.

I put my arm around her waist and pull her flush up against me. She gives a little squeak and pushes her hands against my chest, her body rigid against mine. “Jake, stop it. You said we are meeting Dax and Liz.”

I ignore her words.

“I missed you,” I whisper into her ear and then nuzzle my nose against hers. She sighs and relaxes against me.

“You just saw me twenty minutes ago,” she protests weakly.

“Yes, but you realize you haven’t given me a proper kiss all day?”
