Page 54 of Mistaken Desire

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“And I’m not giving you one now,” she says sassily.

“Oh, I think you will.” I want to kiss that sass right off her gorgeous face. “Give me one kiss, and I will let you go.”

“I will not.” Less sass this time as she rubs her hands up my arms and around my neck.

I hear her words, but her fingers playing with the hair at my collar tells me that she wants me to kiss her.

I cup my hand against the back of her head, lean down, and brush my lips against hers once, twice, three times.

“See, just one kiss,” I tell her right before I pull her earlobe into my mouth, sucking gently, then scraping my teeth against the sensitive lobe. I feel the warmth of her skin, so close to mine. This is a dangerous move here at the office. But I don’t care.

One kiss isn’t going to cut it.

The pressure that she is putting on my neck tells me that she wants more.

“I thought you were going to give me a proper kiss?” she teases. She moves her arms into my suit jacket and wraps them around my waist, her hands moving down into the waistband of my pants.

The heels that she is wearing are putting her small five-foot-five frame flush against all the right areas. I feel myself growing hard. Crushing her tightly against me, I back her against the wall.

“I can do better,” I say against her ear. I hear the low timbre of my voice and realize that I am beyond turned on, and we haven’t even really kissed.

My mouth comes down on hers, hard and demanding. I want her to open up for me. I feel a small resistance before she sighs and opens her mouth to mine. Not one to let an opportunity pass, I plunge my tongue into her mouth. I taste the sweet tang of coffee as I explore and delve, wanting to taste all of her. She moans against my mouth.

I slide my hand from her face to her breast, and my other hand joins the first. I cup her breasts and tease her nipples as I feel them harden beneath her blouse. I wish we had more time. I want to run my hands under her shirt and feel her nakedness against my hands.

Time. We need more time.

Shit. The meeting!

I pull my mouth away reluctantly. Lana gazes up at me with bright, unfocused, confused eyes. Her lips look like they have been thoroughly kissed. Her face is flushed, and the heat coming off her is almost feverish.

The desire to lock the door and finish what we started is almost unbearable.

As I reach down to push a stray strand of Lana’s silky hair behind her ear, my office door bursts open. Lana and I jump apart just as we hear, “Hey, are wemeet…”

But it’s too late. Dax is here. And he sees us.

“Don’t you knock? Damn it, Dax,” I growl at him.

Dax is trying to hide the shocked look on his face, but he isn’t that good at playing pretend.

And then I see Liz standing behind him. She is looking back and forth between me and Lana. By her confused look, I’m guessing she must not have seen much. However, Lana’s face is fiery red, and her blouse is almost completely untucked. Only an idiot couldn’t guess what happened in here.

Dax clears his throat. For once, my annoying brother doesn’t know what to say. An uncomfortable tension is in the room, and it seems no one wants to break the heavy silence.

“So, were we supposed to meet in the conference room?” Dax asks finally.

I sigh loudly, frustrated. “Looks like the entire damn office is here already. Might as well meet in here,” I say, not bothering to hide my irritation.

I sneak a glance at Lana and cringe at the embarrassment I see on her beet-red face. She is mortified. She is staring at her shoes like they are the most interesting shoes she’s ever seen. I’m going to need to make this up to her. Big time.

This is not how I envisioned sharing the news of our relationship with my brother. I had hoped he wouldn’t find out anytime soon, actually.

I turn to Lana and say as quietly as I can, “Do you need a minute? Why don’t you meet us back here when you are ready?”

She shakes her head in denial.

“Sweetie, it’s okay. Go ahead and meet us back here.”
