Page 7 of Mistaken Desire

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Jake and I talk for a while and schedule a time to meet up tomorrow morning. Liz and I have more training materials to go through, so I spend the rest of the day with her and her crazy binder. After working with her, I’ve determined that Liz must be a freaking robot. The amountof responsibility that she has and the amount of work that she does is insane. And now that responsibility will fall on me, someone who lacks experience in any of this. I hope that I’m able to keep up once Liz takes on her new position next week.

Around three o’clock, Liz suggests that I run out and grab us some coffee while she finishes up a report she needs to work on. Considering that I’ve been dragging for the last hour, I jump at the chance to get out of the office. I grab my purse and practically fly out of the office building and into the fresh air.

I make my way to the coffee shop Liz suggested down the street. As I enter, I’m welcomed by the pleasant smell of freshly brewed coffee and baked pastries. I walk up to the counter and order myself a caramel latte and a decaf coffee for Liz. As I wait for my order, I take a look around the shop. The walls are decorated with trendy, art pieces by local artists, giving a vibrant and fun feeling to the room. It’s a cozy atmosphere, and I’m already feeling more relaxed. With this being minutes from the office, I have a feeling I’ll be spending some time here.

Once my order is ready, I take a seat at a small table near the window and sip my coffee. I’m not really in a hurry to get back to the office. Liz told me to take my time, and I’m happy for the break.

“Lana! Is that you?”

I look around for the somewhat familiar male voice. I see him as he is making his way to my table.

“Dominic, oh my gosh! What are you doing here? I thought you moved to Seattle.”

Dominic, my old college sweetheart. His looks haven’t changed much in the years since I last saw him. His light, sandy-colored hair is still cut in the same boyish style, and he has that same mischievous sparkle in hisblue eyes. But he’s wearing a button-down shirt and dress slacks. This is in contrast to the boy I used to know, who refused to wear anything but jeans. As he walks closer, I can’t help but smile. I jump up to hug him, and he opens his arms, drawing me in for a hug.

“I moved back a few months ago after taking a job here in the city. How are you? What are you up to? I can’t believe I ran into you,” he fires off quickly.

His exuberance is infectious. My surprise at seeing him quickly turns to happiness.

“I took a job just a few minutes from here,” I tell him. “I’m just on a quick coffee break. I just started the job today, actually.”

“I’ve been meaning to contact you. It must be fate that we ran into each other here,” he says with a big smile. “Let’s sit and catch up.”

“I’d love to, but I need to get back to work. I’m in the middle of training.”

“I have a few minutes. How about if I walk you to your building? Where do you work?” he asks.

“I’m the executive assistant to Jake Anders at the Anders Group. It’s just over this way.” I nod my head to the right. As we start walking, Dominic puts his arm loosely around my shoulders, and I don’t hate the way it feels.

“Oh, ouch. I’ve heard of him, actually,” Dominic comments. “He’s pretty well-known in the industry as someone you don’t mess with. I think he works with his brothers. Like a family business or something?”

“Yes, I think so. He’s been pretty nice so far. But it’s only my first day, so who knows.”

“I’d love to catch up with you, Lana. It’s been way too long. It’s so wild that we ran into each other this way. Would you be up for dinner on Saturday?”

“Oh, I’d love to, but I have a work thing that I need to attend. How about Friday?”

“That’s perfect. Here, give me your phone, and I’ll put my number in.” We stop in front of my office building, and I give him my phone.

Dominic gives me back my phone, and I put it in my pocket. Just as I’m about to respond, I notice some movement behind Dominic. Jake Anders has just been dropped off by his car service and is walking toward the building, his long strides bringing him closer to me.

Even though I have every right to take a break, I don’t want Jake to think I’m shirking my responsibilities on the first day of work.

“Hey, sorry, I have to run, Dominic. I’m looking forward to Friday. I’ll call you.” I start to turn, but Dominic puts his hand on my shoulder, and I stop. Before I know what is happening, he wraps his arms around me in a hug. He pulls back and chastely kisses my cheek.

“I can’t wait,” he says as he lifts his hand to my chin. I see his eyes drift to my lips as though he is thinking of kissing me. No way can I let that happen. Just as I am about to step back, he seems to change his mind. He gives one last smile and turns to walk off, back the way we came.

I look over and see that Jake has witnessed the entire thing. And he looks pissed. He walks over to me and matches my stride as we walk into the building together. He doesn’t say a word as he pushes the brass buttons on the elevator. I can feel his irritation, which irritates me in turn. I feel like a teenager who has just been caught sneaking out of the house by my dad.

The elevator doors open, and we step out. As I’m headed back to Liz’s office, Jake stops me.

“Lana, when you are on company time, you are paid to be at the office. Your personal life needs to stay away from the office. We don’t have time for you to take extended breaks during the day. It’s three o’clock in the afternoon! While you were out gallivanting with your boyfriend, who is taking care of your work?”

Gallivanting? Who even uses that word anymore? And who does he think he is? I don’t need a babysitter. Stamping my irritation down, I think about how to respond.

“I apologize, Mr. Anders. I stepped out to grab coffees for myself and Liz. I just happened to run into Dominic.”

“I told you to call me Jake,” he spits. “If you were grabbing coffee for Liz, where is her coffee?”
