Page 8 of Mistaken Desire

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I looked down at my hands. Oh crap. “I must have forgotten it at the coffee shop.”

“Let’s just hope that you are able to pay more attention to your work and not get distracted like you were with the coffee. I assume your boyfriend won’t continue to be a distraction for you in the future?” he says snidely.

“Of course not. Dominic will not be a problem.”

“See that he isn’t. We don’t have time for romantic entanglements during work hours.” With that pronouncement, he goes into his office, and the door closes with a loud click.

Of all of the high-handed, bossy men that I’ve known, Jake just made it to the top of the list. I only hope that this isn’t a look into our future working relationship.

This new job is going to be extremely challenging in so many ways. And clearly, my boss will be the biggest challenge. “Don’t be gallivanting with your boyfriend,” I mock out loud. “He’s not even my boyfriend, jackass.”

Chapter Four


It’s six o’clock, and Lana has just left for the day. I am feeling a little guilty for the way I snapped at her. Liz takes coffee breaks all the time, and it has never bothered me. We spend a lot of time at the office and put in a lot of hours. Of course, I don’t mind the occasional break. I hate to admit it, but the boyfriend bothered me more than he should have. It’s not that I care if she has a boyfriend. I just don’t like that she was meeting with him on company time. She needs to keep her private life, well, private.

My cell buzzes, and I turn it over to see who is calling. Amanda. I think about not answering, but I know she’ll call back.

Before I can even say hello, she starts talking quickly. “Sweetie, please don’t be mad. But I’m going to be out of town longer than I thought. I need to cancel our plans on Sunday.”

“What the hell, Amanda!”

“I’m so, so sorry. You know how this industry is. If I don’t finish the job, they will never have me model for them again. This contract is superlucrative. And will lead to even better jobs. Please don’t be mad,” she pleads again.

“Whatever, it’s fine. I have better things to do anyway,” I say rudely.

“Jake! Don’t be like that. You know, I won’t be able to model forever. I’m already twenty-six. One day, I’m going to be wrinkly and fat, and no one will want to take my pictures. Then, we’ll have all the time in the world,” she jokes. “I need to take all of the jobs I can get.”

“Are you serious right now?” I ask, irritation in my voice. “You’re one of the highest-paid models in the industry. You turn down work all the time. You’re making choices about what is most important, and you are not choosing me.”

“That’s not fair,” Amanda whines. “Your work always comes first, too. I don’t think it is fair that you want me to drop everything for you when you don’t want to do the same. It’s a bit chauvinistic, honestly.”

I count backward from five before answering her. “No, there is a big difference between you and me. When I make plans with you, I keep them. Rarely do I cancel, and I only do so when it is unavoidable. When I go to work events, I invite you to come with me because I actually want to spend time with you. I do everything I can to make our relationship work. I’m beginning to think that our relationship has run its course. Maybe we need a break from each other.”

“Jake, you’re being absolutely unreasonable. I’m going to let you calm down a bit and think about what you are saying.”

“Calm down? You’ve been giving me the runaround. I barely see you. I can’t remember the last time we had a relaxing evening together. I’m done, Amanda. It’s not working. I need more commitment, and you can’t give that right now.”

“Jake, stop, please. You mean the world to me. Look, just call me next week, and we’ll talk then.”

“Sure, Amanda. Let’s do that.” I hang up with her and try to remember all of the reasons why we have stayed together so long. We had fun in the beginning. And there were times when I was sure we would eventually get married. I used to love how dedicated she was to her work. And how dedicated she was to me. However, the dedication to her work has become more of an obsession, and her commitment to me has become almost nonexistent. I won’t be calling her next week.

I’m pulled out of my thoughts when my office door is thrown open.

“Hey, brother!” Dax saunters into my office.

“Hey, Dax. Come on in.”

“Saw your hot new assistant today.”

“Don’t even think about it, Dax. You know my employees are off-limits.”

Dax laughs. “Sure, sure. But you know she’s hot, right?”

“First, if you’re going to make inappropriate comments about our employees, could you at least close the door?” I wait as Dax closes the door. “Second, no, I don’t think she’s hot. Maybe somewhat cute, not hot. Now, if you’re done with this ridiculous conversation, could we go over these contracts?”

I look at Dax crossing his arms and lazily leaning against the wall. He doesn’t appear to be in a hurry to get to work. His words make me picture Lana in my mind. No, definitely not someone I’d label as hot. But definitely cute in a girl-next-door sort of way. At work today, she was dressed professionally, not provocatively. She wore very little makeup and had her light golden-brown hair in a simple braid. She is not the typeof girl who I would be the least bit attracted to, which is perfect since I spoke the truth to Dax. Employees are strictly off-limits.
