Page 90 of Mistaken Desire

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“How could I forget? That was the night when I first realized that I was in trouble. I think I was already half in love with you that night. You hated me, and all I could think about was kissing you senseless.”

“I never hated you,” she disagrees. “I was mad at myself because I still wanted you, even knowing that you had a fiancée.”

I stop dancing, and I take her chin in my hand. I tilt her head up so that we are looking into each other’s eyes.

“I was never going to marry her. What she and I felt for each other was nothing close to love. You’re the only woman I’ve ever loved.”

“And you’re the only man I’ve ever loved.”

“On that note, I think you should open your gifts.”

“I thought I was wearing my gift? It’s beautiful, by the way. You’re going to have to tip our concierge really big this time.”

“He didn’t pick out your dress. I did. I wanted everything to be perfect for you.”

“You picked this out? Yourself?” Lana’s eyes widen in surprise.

“Don’t look so shocked. I have skills you don’t even know about yet.” I wink at her suggestively, and she laughs and blows a kiss at me.

“I see Dax’s housewarming gift there. Should we open it?”

“Yeah, I’m kinda wondering what he got us that he things we both could use.”

Lana takes a couple of sips of wine before gingerly lifting the top of the box. She peers inside for a moment and then lets out a loud gasp of shock. She quickly replaces the lid, her face bright red.

“Never mind, I’ll take a look at that later.”

Curiosity is eating at me. I don’t remember ever seeing Lana’s face go that red. I have to know what Dax has given us.

“You can’t leave me hanging like that. What is it?”

“It’s… personal.”

“What do you mean, personal?” I ask. “Are you blushing?”

“No! I mean, yes. I don’t know. Can we eat now? I’m hungry.” She takes another sip of wine and refuses to look at me.

I go to grab the box, and she tries to stop me. “You might as well let me see it now rather than later.”

She huffs out her annoyance. Her face is still red. “Fine. Go ahead and look. But, just so you know, I’m not using that stuff.”

I open the box and look inside. After a few moments, I realize what it is. I can’t help but let out a loud bark of laughter. I start pulling out the items, one by one. Lana’s face gets even redder, if that’s possible.

“Let’s see, what do we have here? A dildo, a vibrator, fur-lined handcuffs, strawberry flavored lube, edible underwear, and a book of some, um, very interesting positions.”

“Put that back in the box,” Lana whispers at me.

“Which one? The dildo?” I lift it up and show her as I wave it around.

“Oh my, put it all away before someone sees it!”

She’s so embarrassed that I almost feel bad. Almost. But then I start to think of all of the ways we might be able to use these things. Dax might be an ass sometimes, but I think that this wasn’t a bad gift at all.

I clear my throat to get her attention. She looks up at me and must sense the heat coming from my gaze because she takes another nervous sip of her wine.

“I fully intend to use everything in this box. I think Dax’s joke gift is going to come in handy.”

She opens her mouth to speak, then closes it. But I see a little sparkle coming from her eyes, and she smiles hesitantly. “We’ll see,” she says.
