Page 33 of Shattered Dreams

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Are you in your room still?


Yeah. You coming over to help me pack?


Pack and chat?



I grab my luggage, stopping at Cal’s door and banging obnoxiously.

“Hold on! For fuck’s sake!” Cal yells before swinging the door open.

“Here,” I say as I shove my bag at my brother.

“You’re not going to hang out with me?”

I snort and shake my head. Cal gets lonely easily. Even as kids, we’d be fighting one minute and then the next he would knock on my bedroom door, asking me to watchSupernaturalwith him.

“I need to help Willa pack if you actually want to get to sound check early.”

Cal rolls his eyes, fully aware that Willa’s luggage somehow explodes around the entire room the moment she opens it. She’s always been a chaotic mess and still is.

“Fine. Hurry up. We need to get you ready for the show tonight.”

“Not playing tonight!” I yell over my shoulder as I make my way to Willa’s room.

I hear him murmur something that sounds like “we’ll see” before shutting his door.

Willa has her door propped open with a chair, so I don’t bother to knock.

“Jesus, Willa.”

“I know! I can’t find half of my makeup,” she complains. I was talking about the clothes and shoes scattered over every surface, but sure.

“How about we pack up everything else and save the makeup for last? That way, we have to look under fewer things,” I suggest.

“Yeah, that makes sense,” she nods, looking around. “So, what did you want to talk about?”

I bite the inside of my cheek, nervous about asking her, but knowing the curiosity is going to kill me if I don’t.

“Does Kai think Ezra is dead?”

Willa pauses her mindless stuffing of clothes into an oversized bag. She turns to me, brows furrowed. “Why do you ask?”

“He’s the only one that refers to him in the past tense.” It’s something I picked up on after being around him again. I haven’t given up believing that Ezra is out there somewhere. Mav and I haven’t talked about it, but I doubt he believes he’s dead.

Willa blows out a breath and sits on her bed. “I don’t know if he believes it, exactly. More like it’s easier for him to cope by telling himself that Ezra died.”

I open my mouth to voice my outrage, but snap it shut. It kind of makes sense in a fucked-up way. Kai is the protector of our group. He must feel like he failed his brother and the thought of Ezra alive somewhere without him may be more painful than him being dead.

This would be easier if Kai would just talk to me.
