Page 45 of Shattered Dreams

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She winces. “There are more tabloid stories about you and Kai. He’s just talking to our PR team.”

“How bad?” I ask. Stories about us have been popping up here and there these past weeks, but nothing has come of it.

“Not bad. They just got pictures of you two talking closely. They left out that the restaurant was so loud, the only way you could speak was if you got right in the other person’s ear,” Willa says with a shrug. It’s annoying the way rumors spread so easily. I guess that’s part of this life that Ineed to get more used to. “They also knew when you landed in Boston somehow. He’s been an anxious mess.”

I feel bad about worrying Kai, not that it was my fault. He’s used to life in the spotlight, and I don’t think tabloids bother him. Until now. Until they started writing about me. The one thing that hasn’t changed about Kai is how protective of me he is.

“Showtime people!” Nate yells, ushering us on stage.

We play our set to a sea of screaming fans. That part never gets old. The rush I feel while playing and the adrenaline high afterward are addicting.

“This is a new one,” Willa says as we enter our dressing room. As usual, there are flowers there waiting for me. Mav follows in behind us, probably having heard Willa. He plucks the note from the front of the vase.

They’re a strange but pretty flower. There are five blue pointed petals with a small white flower on the inside. I’ve never seen them before.

“The note still doesn’t have a name,” Mav says, handing it over.

I take it and read it out loud.

You are mine, little liar.

Do they know? Do they see?

It’s your fault, this fire.

I’ll never set you free.

“Well, that’s the first one that feels threatening,” Willa says, readingit next to me.

“It’s a columbine. It means foolish,” Mav supplies. He’s used to looking up the meaning of flowers by now.

I sigh before taking the usual pictures and sending them off to the lawyer.

“So, how was your trip?” Willa asks.

“Good, but too short. Millie is married. His name is Logan, and he seems nice. He’s definitely obsessed with her.”

“And he owns a record label!” Cal yells as he barges into our room.

“I spent eight hours on a plane with you and you didn’t mention that once,” I say to Cal as I glare at him.

“I wanted to tell everyone!” Cal says defensively.

“Kai isn’t in here,” Mav points out.

“I’m here now. Why’d you guys ditch me?” he asks, in a more playful tone than I’m used to.

“Three out of the four were in this room, and I couldn’t hold it in anymore,” Cal says with too much excitement.

“Logan owns a record label?” I ask, making sure I heard him correctly.

“He does! He has no idea how to run it, but he said the woman he has in charge is fantastic. I have her email, and I already sent her clips of our shows. I think we need something new to send if we want to sign, though.”

“Can’t you get a deal just for being family?” Willa asks.

Cal just shrugs. “Probably, but I’d rather do it because we’re wanted.”

I can’t blame my brother for feeling that way. It would be hard to know if we were successful or just related to someone who is.
