Page 55 of Shattered Dreams

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“Exactly! I’m going to go tell Mav!” Cal practically sprints out of the room.

“I’m going to try to reel him in.” Willa leaves the room after him, pushing the lock in on the knob before shutting the door.

I laugh but quickly stop when I see Kai’s face. “What?”

“He just came in here and put an insane amount of pressure on us, and then skipped out of the room like he’s solved world hunger.” Kai says, his eyes wide.

“Cal is an idiot on a good day, but I actually think this is doable,” I tell him, taking his hand in mine.

“It’s impossible! I’m not as good as Ezra at composing. That’s even if you can get a song done in enough time for me to even try it.”

“I have a song,” I say with a smile. I wrote it the moment we got off the call, and Kai and I went to my room. It took me less than an hour. I’ve just been smoothing it out while I enjoyed being next to him.

“You do?” he asks, eyebrows shooting up to his hairline.

“I do. We have eighteen hours to compose it. Which I can help with too.”

Kai smiles and kisses me quickly. “I’m going to grab the computer! There’s composing software on there that can help us.”

He hops off the bed and runs out the door. I don’t remember the last time I saw him this happy. I feel like I gotmyKai back, and I’ll do everything I can to hold on to him.

“What do you think?”

Mav, Cal, and Willa are staring at Kai and me with identical expressions of shock.

“Guys? You’re making me nervous,” I say, shifting closer to Kai on the couch in the living room of the house. We just played the song we’ve been working on all night for them. It’s like “Shattered Dreams,” in that the only instruments we use are Kai’s guitar and my keyboard. I think a piano would sound better and probably look better stage wise, but we don’t exactly have time for that right now. I can experiment with that after the tour.

Kai is beaming next to me. Apparently, their inability to speak isn’t bothering him at all right now. I know he’s proud of what we’ve accomplished. I am too, but I need someone to say something before I explode. I look over at Willa to see a tear slip down her face.

“Are you crying? Why are you crying?” I ask her in a panic. Willa doesn’t cry.

“You did it. You fucking did it!” She says before launching herself at me.

Kai is laughing on my other side, and I look over to see my brother hugging him. Mav throws himself on top of all of us.

“Do you think he’s proud of us? Wherever he is?” Mav asks quietly, still spread out on top of all of us.

I chance a look at Kai. Usually the topic of Ezra has his shoulders stiffening and some remark about his brother being dead leaving his lips before he storms off. I’m happily surprised to see him looking contemplative.

“Yeah, Mav. I think he is,” Kai says before he turns his head to look at me. I can see it in his eyes. He’s allowing himself to hope.

“Always and forever?” I ask.

“Always and forever, mo chridhe.”



I’m alwayscalm before a show. It’s the only time I feel completely at peace. Cal gets so excited, I’m afraid he’s going to have a stroke one of these days. Belle and Mav are always nervous. Willa is the only other one that gets calm like I do. It’s like this is where we belong, and our bodies can sense it.

Tonight though. Well, tonight is feeling very different. I’ve been nervous about our entire set. The song we wrote is going to be played last. I’ve helped compose all our songs since we started playing professionally, but none of them have mattered like this one.

“You’ve been amazing, Glasgow!” Cal yells into his mic. “So amazing, in fact, we decided to debut a new song for you tonight!” The crowd goes wild, screaming at us in excitement. I pick up my mic stand and make my way over to Belle. We’re skipping “Shattered Dreams” tonight. We didn’t want the new song to be overshadowed by the well-loved classic.

“Ready?” I whisper to her. She rewards me with a big smile before she nods.

“Hold on to your butts and get out your phones! We want your reactions streamed live!” Cal says. “Make sure you tag us in your posts! We want to see it all!”
