Page 60 of Shattered Dreams

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As we’re getting ready to leave, Kai’s phone rings.

“Yeah? Okay. We’re on our way.”

I arch an eyebrow at him in question.

“It was Cal. Isla and Logan want to have a video conference about signing us,” Kai says, a huge smile spreading across his handsome face.

“Isla?” I ask, trying to remember if I’ve heard that name before.

“Cal said she’s the one that really runsNep-Tunes. He seems to think her opinion matters more than Logan’s.”

“Let’s get back and make sure Cal doesn’t do anything to ruin this.”

Kai nods and we rush out of the garden. I’m excited and nervous and happy. I look at Kai as we rush through the rain and into the waiting cab and see similar emotions running across his face. We put all our eggs in one basket. All our hopes in one company. It’s reckless and a little stupid. But I have a good feeling.



“Close your mouth, you’re drooling,”I whisper to Cal while nudging him with my elbow. He’s been staring at Isla without blinking since she appeared on the screen five minutes ago. It’s unnerving.

“Our lawyers went over your previous contract, and you were right. They don’t own any of the rights to your newest song. They do, however, own all previous songs recorded with them.” Isla is a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, no-nonsense type of woman. The complete opposite of Cal, which is making it hard to keep my attention on what she’s saying and not snicker at my best friend.

“What does that mean for us if we go forward with a contract with you?” Mav asks, always the practical one.

Isla sighs and leans back in her chair, eyes darting between all of us. “I’m going to be straight with you. We only want “Always and Forever.” Ideally, we would love to have “Shattered Dreams” too, but that isn’t a deal breaker. All your other songs are subpar in comparison.”

“Ouch,” Willa says quietly next to me.

“We can give you “Always and Forever.” I doubt the other label will part with “Shattered Dreams,” though,” Mav says, scratching at his stubble covered jaw.

Isla nods and turns her attention to Belle. “You wrote both songs, correct?”

“I did,” Belle answers, pride clear in her voice.

“Then this decision is about to fall heavily on your shoulders,” Isla says while Belle looks at her with confusion written across her face. “I’m willing to sign you to a deal. It would be for one album and one US tour. 75/25 split. We would be responsible for distribution, but that would leave you in charge of marketing and recording costs. You would also own all the rights to your music, not us.”

“Okay…” Belle says slowly. We’re all staring at her, trying to figure out why Isla is only talking to her. Judging from how scrunched up her brow is right now, Belle seems to be wondering the same thing.

“We’re only willing to sign if you agree to be the songwriter on the album. Once we see how the album and subsequent tour go, we can talk about signing you to a more traditional deal.”

I hold my breath, waiting for Belle’s response. Trying to tell myself that if she leaves, it’s not me she’s leaving. That she can’t be responsible for saving the band.

But she is. Isla just told her it’s her or nothing.

Belle looks at me with shock on her face. I lean in and kiss her forehead.

“What do you want to do?” I whisper to her. “Don’t worry about us.”

When I pull back, I see her look of shock has beenreplaced by one of determination. I smile to myself.That’s my girl.

“I’ll do it,” Belle says without an ounce of hesitation.

“Belle, you don’t —” Willa starts.

“I know I don’t. I want to,” Belle says, cutting her off and effectively ending anyone else’s arguments.

Isla looks at Belle for a moment, seeming to come to some sort of conclusion that makes her smile. “Logan West is your cousin.”
